Freelancer - General Discussion

No, it affects everyone, with all participating subreddits. The point is to hurt Reddit with a noticeable decrease of traffic (and ad revenue).


I don’t think this is true. All suspects will do this (we usually call this “VIP behaviour”), but it depends on a few things:

  1. Other NPC must be in range.
  2. Other NPC must be in the same ‘room’.
  3. Other NPC must not already be in a distracted or otherwise unavailable state.
  4. Guards will take priority overall - a guard will never tell a civilian to go to a distraction (however a civilian may go if they’re significantly closer).

With the examples you showed after calling a meeting, you threw the distraction in the bathroom while those suspects were the only ones in the bathroom, so they didn’t VIP it to someone else, whereas the first suspect who just so happened to be the target was close and in the same room as other NPCs they could tell to go.


And all Reddit groups are doing this?

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Yeah untrue. I coin distracted a leader the other day. His assassin was in another room. The leader investigated the distraction.


And more than once I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to lure a suspect I already knew was not the leader somewhere to get their phone.

It’s definitely not true.


Because it won’t respawn. There’s no puttin the genie back in the bottle. Visually it will look better with the stuff still in the case. :person_shrugging:



It seems is still down? Have they extended it?

Yeah, a lot of them extended it because the asshat CEO decided to tell the entire company that the blackout hasn’t had “significant revenue impact”.


Fair play, hope it pays off for them.

Me collecting gear for the safehouse in New York vs. me collecting gear for the safehouse in Isle of Sgail:

image image


Sadly after the vault nerf there’s not that much interesting loot to collect in NY anymore, but Sgail’s still a great piñata level. It’s not particularly hard to collect tons of stuff from it, you just need custodian / raider disguises and you can get pretty much everything.


Oh for sure the loot in Isle of Sgail is the stuff of ages. My main gripe is there a colossal amount of it to collect at wildly dispersed locations. I constantly find myself scurrying at multiple levels of the map to pick up as many items as I can, and that’s in addition to the fact it requires more than one playthrough to pick up the larger items. It just ends up being an exorbitant chore of carefully orchestrated gymnastics to a satisfying payoff.


The HITMAN community had planned to stay down 47 hours but even when I was told this a couple days back I just knew that they’d change their minds and go for a different time unit of 47.

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Tbh, I don’t think I’ll ever get to prestige 1 cuz I don’t play freelancer to collect items. I play it as an actual freelancer. I buy items and take from crates things that I actually need for missions. For example, if I have an already legendary sniper, I won’t bother wasting my money getting other snipers. I play the mode in all fun and I find that since I can’t collect any item from any map and bring to the safehouse to later bring to another map, then I don’t have any desire to collect other than the weapons I need.

I also feel this way with the challenges. I just play freelancer to finish missions, I even hardly go after safes and couriers. And with all this, I still love the mode very much.


I think you’re playing it correctly, in my opinion. I burned myself out trying to be a completionist. I rushed through collecting everything and doing every challenge but when I did the prestige thing, a wave of just “i don’t wanna” came over me and I haven’t played Freelancer since. I have zero weapons on the wall right now because the task of recollecting them is just too overwhelming after the mad rush I did to get everything in the first place.

You’re doing it right.


So my temp unhoused roommate friend and my sister both decided to watch me play Hitman tonight.

I had just gotten to level 76, got my free Silverballer after using Prestige a few levels ago.

They both were super eager to give me a challenge to only complete a mission in the Flamingo costume, or the Santa costume, or Clown costume (pride socks wooo).

Unfortunately each time I did this I died. One mission, I brought my Silverballer. And I died. And now it’s gone.

Was it worth it for their entertainment? Maybe
? :woozy_face:

(goodbye silverballer my love)


Me - a completionist - trying to work up the motivation to play Freelancer enough to tick off the totally not even a tiny little bit fun Prestige level challenges:


So I’m on my 3rd-tier Hardcore Showdown, on Haven Island, in the Freelancer unlock Ancestral Hunter Suit, and none of the suspects are enforcers.

Is this intended behavior? Is this because of the suit? Is this because of the suit + location combination? In every other Showdown I’ve played in Hardcore, all suspects are enforcers to my suit.

Anyone else notice anything like this? I do not know if this has already been observed.

So, I’ve managed to get two copies of a freelancer tool. I went to a supplier, bought one, then a crate contained a second one.
I also had both of them upon returning to the safehouse, and I was seemingly able to stash both of them. I couldn’t take both of them afterwards though.
As you can see below, the second grenade is here, but the UI is for dropping the tool instead.
It went back to only one grenade after next mission. That was also a showdown if that matters.