First Impressions and Small Details

I’m losing it!.. they added an Easter egg in Hokkaido…

Go interact with a toilet… its amazing hahaha

Edit : it only seem to work in the empty cabin in the foyer bathroom

Edit 2 : nevermind! I’m dumb and I forgot that it was already there haha…

Is it just me or levels in Hitman 3 are callbacks to older hitman levels?


Everyone is a Providence member, kill them all, blood for the blood god, no worries about non-target kills. However, I think if you let a body be found you might not get Silent Assassin? I’ll have to try a few more times later to see why I only got 4/4.

Fucking phenomenal game, I honestly cant think of a single bad thing about any of the locations. GG IO :+1:


That sounds very promising. The best sound design so far for me was the summer breeze italian town festival in Landslide. I hope this is on par of even better :heart:


unbelievably cursed


Just finished Dubai and Dartmoor, i don’t want spoilers about other locations, but… aren’t these two locations rather small compared to Hitman 2 and 1?

I mean, in Hitman 2 we had Mumbai and SF that are ridicously big, but then we had Isle of Sgail and Miami that are gigantic

Compared to those two, these feel more… in the vein of New York and Whittleton Creek

I feel we also lack some challenges… There a fewer than in other maps and even then some of those are just the shortcuts…

Livestreamed for 6 hours straight and completed the game.

SA in 5/6, SA/SO in 2, went John Wick mode in Chongquin :laughing:

Level Design - 10/10 Fucking PHENOMENAL (i’ll kiss every level designer, lighting artist at IO)
Sound Design (Music) - 9/10, Neils, you did it man, fucking amazing soundtrack LOVED IT!
Weapon Design/ Sounds - 8/10 Loved the new reload sounds, some added oomph to the headshots and other stuff

Overall, i’ll let the game sink in a bit more, but its the ultimate in the Trilogy. The game looks fucking beautiful, loved every single level! China and Berlin are my top 2 :love_letter:


Anyone else having a weird glitch in the laundromat in Chongqing? some of the washing machines haven’t loaded in correctly, I saw this on both of my runs on this map so it might be a bug


Did anyone played the maps from H1 and H2 already? Is the lighting and visuals much improved?

Same here. Had the round laundry drum things floating in midair without the rest of the machines.


Berlin had a weird glitch where activating the rigged light show cause my game to crash and it kicks me back to the PS4 menu. Anyone else had this happen to them?

47’s running animation with a pistol equipped doesn’t look nearly as cool as it did in H2016 or even H2.
Looks like he’s just running normally with a pistol in his hand and you can barely see it from behind.

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first impression after playing about 10 minutes. Too buggy, I’ll wait this one out for a month or so. Crashed a couple times in China when subduing, missing table top in the Wet Cat laundry, woman suspended in mid air in the same laundry, spotted through a wall, shot an killed all in the first 5 minutes. Could not get online of course. Back to Hitman 2 which I haven’t finished anyway. Sad thing, I totally expected all of this , it’s become so common with games.


that’s the new PVC float-a-scope mk3.

YES!! I started with paris and my god. The reflections are great, on the car at the beginning but then also most of the floors, looks great! Also, the sun rays through the windows have a real “thick” feel to them. Also I found new stuiff people say with connections to Hitman 2, but that could have been here before.


I haven’t had a lot of time to play this yet but I launched the Paris mission and noticed the tree geometry looked smaller and some lights have been added to a room in the basement. HDR has been rebalanced and is much more reflective of the intended look of the non HDR design. It used to be overly bright and feels more balanced now. The dynamic sharpening option in the graphics menu has been removed but it looks like 47’s skin texture has been enhanced and looks more detailed. I also noticed lights reflecting off of 47’s head. God Rays appear to me more full and working better than they ever did before. There are some nice reflections added to the enameled floors.

In Nvidia’s control panel you can tweak sharpness further if you feel that some of the textures in the game world could use a little more sharpening.

I ran the two benchmarks included in Hitman 3 at 4k resolution with HDR enabled and all graphics effects maxed out. I disabled variable shading and motion blur as they hurt visual quality and clarity.

I9 9900K CPU at 5Ghz all core
Nvidia GeForce 3090 GPU

This is the first time since the start of the of the trilogy that the world of assassination can be pushed at 4K 60FPS maxed out with a single GPU. The previous games required SLI in DX11 mode during the 1080 and 2080 series of GPU’s. It looks like tech has finally caught up with the game series but I figure the added RTX effects later on in the year will probably tank the performance again.

I also noticed they changed their sound options a little. I’m glad they support uncompressed audio with surround sound.

Hitman 2 locations are not playable for me yet, hopefully they get it figured out without too much hassle.


As for first impressions— 47 seems to move slower, like he feels heavier, in a way? maybe it’s IO’s “improved animation” they were talking about.

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He seems to walk a little slower I think. He climbs pipes and hangs off ledges 2x as fast as he used to though.


I will bled this as spoilers. I just played Dubai, than I stopped because of that whole carry over process that didn’t worked for hours. So please no spoilers for everything that happens after Dubai :see_no_evil: But something very funny happened and I wanted to share it with you :relaxed:

I played the mission where Grey is FaceTiming the Partners, the one with the private meeting, two times. The second time I shot them after his speech with a silent pistol and Grey was like “finally they are dead”. But the first time I played it I totally fucked it up. I used that model of the building and punched Stuyvesant with it while Grey was still talking. Than Ingram ran away, trying to escape, so I ran after him and throw a hammer against his head. So they lay down at the ground. I used a knife I found in the room to kill Ingram and broke Stuyvesants neck.

And than Grey was like “well that was… okay… I guess?” :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I think he wasn’t very satisfied with my method!