Mine would have be the opera level Curtains Down when you can replace the gun with a real gun and no one is none the wiser it was you.
I never played any of HITMAN before Absolution, so would name my favourite kill pushing Dalia over Victor from the balcony in Paris from HITMAN 2016.
It even has a short cutscene
Either Dom Osmond through the two way mirror or Marco Abiatti off the church tower.
This is a good question, I’ve got to go with the Kashmirian mission story and all of its variations
I enjoy watching Athena fall through her clock.
H:C47 - killing the Red Dragon negotiator in KTiGW with a sniper rifle from the rooftops / killing the Blue Lotus members in AatWFR with a bomb
H2:SA - poisoning Hayamoto Jr.
H:C - killing Winston Beldingford with a pillow
H:BM - killing Carmine DeSalvo with the weights
H:A - poisoning the King of Chinatown’s drugs
H:2016 - killing Silvio with a pillow
H2 - killing Alma with a pillow
Call me Mr. Sandman
Favorite kill in the series though
Don Yates, Diana and 47 power couple.
The planning, the preparation, the scripts and story in the mission itself are pleasant to follow and do. And of course the culmination of the characters through the games.
“Turns out this woman will be your downfall!”
Can not beat a poker or snooker cue going through someone in Beldingford aswell.
Burning Zoe Washington in the Phoenix Effigy on Sgail, by miles and miles and miles. What could be better than being Christopher Lee in The Wicker Man?
EDIT - scratch the “by miles and miles and miles” wording, because @LandirtHome makes an excellent point about the Diana/47 combo kill on Yates, which comes in a close second for me - another legendary moment in the series.
Oh, lord, this is a tough one.
I’m gonna go with a four-way tie, two of which are accidents and two are outsourcing.
It’s gonna be between Vaana Ketlyn’s pyro show being sabotaged (Does she die from the fire? From drowning? From the shark eating her? We’ll never know!), getting the cop to shoot Wade’s goon in Absolution, using the Kashmirian to kill Rangan and Shah in H2, and also from H2, redirecting the train to run over Shah and The Malestrom.
Electrocuting both Montgomery and Banner with the light show.
1- Caruso - Telescope kill
2- Caruso - Cannon kill
3- Stuyvesant and Ingram - Variety of parachute kills
C47 - Blowing up Jegorov when he´s escaping by limo
H2SA - Blowing up Hayamoto Sr. when he´s escaping by helicopter
CON - Killing Bjarkov and Fuchs with the submarine explosion
BM - Getting Sinistra ran over by the FBI cars
ABS - Killing Dr. Valentine in the bomb chamber
H1 - Killing Zaydan and Strandberg with the APC turret
H2 - Getting the Maelstrom and Shah ran over by the train
H3 - Blowing up Ingram and Stuyvesant when they´re escaping by heli… Oh, right… Ehm, having Vidal killed by the sniper team (or the grape press, love them equally)
I´m just shooting some of the favourites. Love many many more. And obviously they all pale in comparison to killing Bradley on the scooter with the homing briefcase
You do enjoy your explosives, don’t you?
(I say as a guy who can almost never play this game without a suit that has gloves)
Rutgert Van Leuven executing the Journalist for showing up without the money in Hitman Contracts (2004) mission “Rendezvous in Rotterdam”. To trigger this simply knock out the Journalist and take the money envelope but leave his disguise. He’ll eventually wake up on his own and resume his route. Oh and no penalty either.
Another is Boris Ivanovich Deruzka accidentally being shot and killed by the SWAT police during the raid on his ship in the “Deadly Cargo” in the same game. This is extremely rare; I only seen it happen only once by accident and haven’t been able to repeat it since.
Eliminating Lee Hong with his own sword in “Lee Hong Assassination”. Pretty obvious how this is achieved.
As in quite scripted kills, all the ones that use a pillow and also the Berlin one where you electrocute the agents on the walker by starting the rave light show.
Edit: also add drowing Fuchs in the pool. Even better while wearing your suit.
Pretty ruthless to die in a sauna while you look into the eyes of your killer!
Oh man! I didn’t know you could do that!
It’s so fun to find out new stuff about levels all these years later.
by far my favourite story, mission and map in the entire series…
…however, dropping a piano on angelina mason while she’s dressed as a cartoon crow (murder of crows - blood money) was the moment the series seemed to fully embrace its ludicrous gallows humour, and i love it so much.
I forgot about this!! Did we ever get any attempt to explain away why a piano was suspended overnight? You’d think any piano that was worth hoisting in or out of a building would be worth too much to leave unattended and in the elements overnight. Not to mention that no one leaves things half way hoisted in or out and then goes home for the day