Now you can rate the submitted contracts, from 1 to 5, “recommand” contracts while rating and comment!
Those options are accessible via the “more info” at the end of each column, that leads to another feature, unique pages for each contract. Now if you submit a contract and share a link like _contract, anyone can see the deatils, comments and rating of your contract instantly.
Filtering and sorting rate wise is also included, although the sorting thing is a bit bumpy for now.
Everything is working fine, you can submit your contracts
What happened? The company hosting the site didn’t tell me what database technology they’re using so I was using an invalid syntax; And it took me 5 hours to realize.
I think there was a hitman database with this purpose with the ability to rate every mission in the franchise but it was barely used so I hope this will be like the equivalent to when Hitmaps replaced the hitman 2016 maps site
Only thing I would say is that it’s nice to have the name of the contract as well. That way someone can search by name if they want to, and they could also double check they have the right mission when they put the code in.
I was thinking of doing a very similar website when I got some downtime at work over the next month, so you’ve saved me some hassle
Added 7 contracts to this, including recreations and ones by Crewdy and HowToHitman, presuming they don’t mind. A title option would be great, and a rating system would be even better!
This is really useful!
To make a suggestion, could there be a way to add multiple contract IDs to one submission for contracts that have been recreated?
Also, is it possible to edit posts after creation? I forgot to put the PC ID for Ivory Towers in ‘more info’
Submitted a contract but I second what 0047 said, about putting in a title option
Titles can convey a lot of info quickly, in a way that merely listing kill method and complication can’t. I also personally think there should be a category/genre column, for us to self-categorise and filter on certain terms of your choosing, like “Puzzle”, “Sniper” (since some sniper contracts use any method) or “Trespassing/Hostile” (And in the future ‘modded’ ).
Right now the only advantage over the in-game Contract Search this has is you can search Author, which to be fair is a big improvement though. A good start and effort!
I’ll definitely add a title option.
Rating system can get a bit trickier, I still have to do some research before adding it; Let go the adding itself can take a while.
I mostly added more info for these cases, but it’s not impossible to have that.
Editing; Will do something for it.
That’s a bit subjective so I was just gonna leave it up to you
I know when I did my contracts list for H2 there was stuff like Hostile Disguise, Loud Gun, Puzzle, Sniper, Speedrun, Freeform/Unrestricted, Challenge contract, Modded
Maybe other people can pitch in their suggestions!
There should be the option to chose several types for the same contract. A contract can be Sniper, Puzzle and SONKO. Or SONKO and Fiber Wire…
Easiest solution probably is to make checkboxes with types.