imo they could “fix” The Fixer by removing the insta-fail if you subdue the courier and then just mark the three shopkeepers that could have them on the map like the Whittleton Creek clues. That way you’re going to have to go around and potentially subdue multiple people and run the risk of getting caught/having a body found if you subdue one of the shopkeepers that don’t have the diamonds if you choose to go down the route of speed over accuracy.
Yeah it’ll fuck with the story of it a little, but would still be better than leaving it as-is and not using it at all/not putting the ET into the Arcade.
The fact they had to tell you in the patchnotes of the specific conditions surrounding the contract means people had a hard time with it first time round and needed guidance.
As they themselves say, those specific bits are not in the briefing, so most players didn’t know about it, and got punished for trying to (justifiably) work the puzzle out like they would with any other ET, when that doesn’t work here.
And i’m counting myself in that group too; Back in 2016, I failed it because the game was not clear on how it worked, and it felt as If I were cheated out of a mission. The Fixer is bad game design in every sense of the word:
It forces linearity on the player by enforcing specific kill conditions
Players are not told the larger extents of the gameplay beforehand in the briefing
The player HAS to wait around for the diamond exchange to happen
The player is punished for trying to “break” from the events the game wants you to do.
And the routine is windy (deliberately so), making any attempts to predict his movements impossible.
This is a game about prediction, solving puzzles, and being more than one way to complete the mission. The Fixer has none of that in my opinion.
Mostly because people don’t listen to the briefing. In the briefing, it clearly says the target with give the courier a consignment of the location of the diamonds. So again it clearly states that neither the target nor the courier have the diamonds. It was the playersz’ assumption that the target spent only who the courier was. But iirc, in the text briefing when you click on the target, I believe it does state he has used this courier before so he would recognize the courier and so again, why ko the courier when he does not have the diamonds or the consignment letter from the target.
If anything, why didn’t ppl take out the target and get the consignment letter to find the location?
I find it hard to understand the logic behind to ko the courier.
Saying that “it clearly states X” multiple times does not mean it’s not confusing for people. Again, if IOI had to tell people in clearer wording on their blog, it meant the briefing wasn’t doing its job, regardless if “most people don’t watch it” (which is dubious claim in of itself). It punishing people for KO-ing someone is just utterly ridiculous game design on a one time contract. And the briefing does not help much in ways I’ve already explained.
Sorry to necrobump the thread, but I finally got round to making a video tierlist of elusive targets…24 of them. Done in part as I’m waiting on pc parts, and due to my PC dying, this was relatively easy to make on a phone. The first video is below, but here’s the playlist to keep up to date; There will a new one for the first 24 days of December, and five are already out!
The Fixer - boring ngl, his entire routine is go to meeting, go back the consulate, and follow Claus Strandberg, even if you kill the target first, you’d still have to wait for the courier which takes a while, not to mention how the courier stands in the most inconvenient places when he gets to the school. The Warlord - Whoever put the safe in the security room, I hope your pillows are warm on both sides (jk). The target isn’t bad, usb just sucks ass tho. The Blackmailer - Target is alright ig but the USB is forgettable, I forget to pick it up half the time. The Politician - The Twin done right, gets too much hate imo, she has a decent route if you don’t choose to explode her with the gas lamp for the 20th time. The Gunrunner - I literally forgot about him until a week ago, also he gets too much credit imo, the only “real” opportunity is by triggering a target lockdown, otherwise you’d carbomb him or drop 20 guns to get the guards to leave… The Twin - Pretty much everyone kills him on the pier or uses emetics lol, also who tf dresses exactly like the person you hired us to kill… The Revolutionary - The fact that all he does is sit, drink, and one extra action in one area depending on where the RNG takes him is kinda annoying. The Food Critic - Best ET obviously… . Even though he sits in one spot 80% of the time, at least you can do shit with him, and cool smother kill ig. The Ex-Dictator and the Gold-Digger - If you don’t blow them up with a propane flask, they actually have decent loops with vulnerabilities,… unless you kill one of them which changes their loops to a shittier one, I do like the target designs though (guilty pleasure of killing a dictator too).
That actually was my idea. Back in hitman 2016, i was talking with Torban who was one of the online guys working with Travis back then. We used to chat sometimes in DMs about hitman cuz he liked my ideas.
I suggested an et should use that security room as some sort of objective. He decided what but i was the one that gave him the idea.
So sorry about that. Lol.
I still loved it tho. Doing that warlord ET SA/SONKO was tuff af but i did get it done.