Elusive Target Galore

Okay, so some time has passed on this, and I wanna give my thoughts on this…event.

This was such a “dropped the ball” moment for the winter roadmap. I’m sorry to Travis for this, but trying to hype ET Galore up as some kind of new game mode or event to speculate about was a massive miscalculation on their part. Travis/ IO should’ve been honest about what ET galore was, instead of trying to act all coy from the offset. For those who need reminding, this is what was written:


You can see why people got hyped up, as the last sentence made it sound different to previous events. It sounded generic and lacking information, as if to tease us. With hindsight, Travis isn’t wrong here, it just didn’t feel special enough to build hype for.


I had only missed one ET (The Forger), so I only had 1 out of 18-ish I could do. Cool. This decision just punished veteran players for keeping up with the game throughout the year, and could’ve been solved by running another “holiday special” set of ET’s, or re-activating older ones failing that, as mentioned.

Or you could’ve been blunt about what we were getting, instead of attempting to adding unnecessary intrigue to the proceeding’s.

We already knew it was going to be reruns of ET’s, that was at least expected (IO, you have a pattern, it’s not hard to figure that out). This whole thing felt like such a misfire in player expectations.

I shared similar sentiments on the /r/ArtofRally subreddit if you wanna gander at that. You can probably tell what I’ve been playing instead of ET galore :wink:

The very fact you made ETA suggests you as a company want to move away from time-limited content (In fact, since DGS, very few things have actually been time limited), so I do greatly appreciate this change in behaviour.

Now more than ever am I convinced that ET’s should just be made permanent. I was (and still am) fine with ETA being that substitute, but since you stopped adding new contracts to that, there hasn’t been an advertised alternative for over a year now. And I think I speak for a good chunk of players when I say: We’re all sick of waiting.

To the new community manager, CombatGlue (Love the username btw), first off Hi! Hope you’re having a lovely day, sorry for this being the first thing I write to you about when it comes to gameplay improvements for the game. I’m not normally this…peeved. Second;

Make. ET’s. Permanent.

Even if the rewards have to be different (I.E, pin badges on former unlocks or entirely new suits), it would still be a better experience than current. With ET’s, The sentiment I’m seeing more and more is that the ET’s have lost their “time limited”-ness now, and ET Galore is where the straw is breaking for many people’s backs as it becomes obvious what we could have all year round.

I hope to reignite this discussion again, and hopefully in a constructive manner, among IO themselves and in the community. Like with a revamp of offline mode, this something the game sorely needs in order to make the game a more complete experience than current.

Thank you for reading - Dribbles.