They definitely should temporarily disable Elusive Target Arcade missions containing an active or upcoming Elusive Target preferably before it appears on the Roadmap assuming those are ever brought back. Allowing versions of one particular ET is basically the same thing as bring a calculator to a math test.
Well, there is 26 ET’s in 1st season. Since Gary Busey is impossible to get, we could get all of them in 5 batches - oh wait a minute, Congressman and Guru were put together into Deceivers. So, unless they add some other ET, one of them will be repeated - which wouldn’t be that big of an issue.
I would actually prefer if we had Congressman and Guru separate with season 1 ETs, and the Deceivers with season 2 ones, so we can play whichever version we’d like.
ahahahahahahaha are you serious IOI???
i just failed an ET for the dumbest reason. LMAO this game mode is awful
oh rip dude i feel your pain
Probably should’ve read the complications before you jumped in tbh. Not really IO’s fault you chose not to read them since you clearly didn’t even try for a headshot.
Better luck tomorrow! As my papa always said, “read the instructions.”
how the hell was i supposed to know that you needed to do headshots only with the sieker and kalmer? i thought it was just for firearms, not dart guns too
I’ll cut you a break on it, as I would likely make the same mistake. I haven’t played this one yet.
I’ll agree that this restriction is pretty aggravating for the dart guns. It makes sense that it would classify all types of guns need a headshot, but I totally understand why you’d think they were exempt.
@thrison I think the issue isn’t really with “not reading the complication”. It’s that the dart guns have no difference to whether they hit an NPC in the head vs. the body. There’s also no indicator if you’ve even hit one as there are with any other gun, with the white or red lethal hit indicator.
The challenge being gravity vs. distance (and needing to be near them in a public area, and extremely limited ammo) is challenge enough, and I don’t think it should be further restricted in the Headshot complication.
The headshot complication is good for stopping people from being able to use dart guns. I intend to make a contract in Santa Fortuna where you eliminate the hippies in your suit and escape by speedboat without being spotted, missing a shot, missing the head, knocking anyone out, or changing disguises. A lot easier said then done since the maid mopping/sweeping Rico’s bedroom cannot be distracted nor can you simply zap her with an emetic dart.
i get that the sieker is a cheap weapon, but that’s exactly why i was using it. i just wanted to unlock my krugermeier reskin and be done with it. i should have used the fart briefcase
You can distract her and the other dude in the room by turning on both faucets in the bathroom.
Nope, someone from downstairs will check the faucets before the maid would. I think one time I shot Rico with an unsilenced firearm in his bedroom and the maid didn’t even flinch.
I just did it on Xbox (not sure if that matters!?).
I wonder if IOI had a roadmap but couldn’t release it because they wanted to change something with ET Arcade after the response to some of the complications
- caliber with suppressor is pretty quiet. I have a 22. caliber rifle with a suppressor so I know that from my personal experience. And Knight’s XM9 Beretta “Hush Puppy” is also quite quiet. I think you meant no gun is silent.
I wouldn’t consider >80dB quiet, but that might just be me.
Quiet relative to unsuppressed and supersonic firearms, sure.
I’m not sure about how much dBs those guns I mentioned produce with suppressors but that “Hush Puppy” earned it’s nickname because you could fire it and a guard dog would not react to it when discharged. So USSF could use it to eliminate guard dogs.
Probably not possible, but it would be amazing if we got a stage with 5 combined targets (but without the restrictions).
I’m picturing a 5 target Sapienza, and just having a ball as I run from place to place causing madness.