Elusive Target #15: THE RAGE (Year 4: May 3 - May 13 2024)

call me a weirdo but i listened to the briefing like 10 times

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The Rage is dead. Easy Silent Assassin, he shouldnā€™t have gone for the nose candy, that stuff is bad for you, or so Iā€™ve heard.

Casual Undercover suit is achieved, and so - now I have nothing more I would like to work towards!

Casual Hitmaning here I come!


It was worth getting his money back.


He considered himself the mainā€¦

But that belief was false.


Great idea for an image and great execution!

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Bald goon got a taste of his own medicine


These are honestly my favorite tactics: give the target what they give to others


Nice vid and edits @Danger_dog_guy_7


Not sure if it was because The Ascensioninst was my favorite ET or if it was because I a bad experience when playing this one but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m a fan of The Rageā€¦

First, I was exploring the streets as heā€™s a street fighter and it was incredibly unlikely that he would set up shop in the ICA facility or in The Block. I quickly found his area in the arcade and started plotting how to get in there because I was turned away. I thought I could slip down the where the key under the brick is but I was spotted by the guards and lost SA. As a proud, card carrying member of #TeamNoRestart, I carried on and just jumped down there from the ramp. To my disappointment, they had replaced the brick/key with a dumpster so I improvised and used the explosive duck to ā€œunlockā€ the door. Long story short, I ended up chased through the streets of Chongqing with minimal weapons to fight back. This story doesnā€™t end the way you might think, however; I was on the verge of pulling it back when it crashed.

Crushing disappointment aside, I went back in, this time replacing the duck with a lock pick. I cut most of the wasted time from my first go and just jumped into the side alley. I broke into the arcade and started to clear it out. Its occupants could not provide with disguises so I attracted someone from the courtyard inside. Of course, that NPC also didnā€™t provide me with anything helpful so I start to drag him to the dumpster. Unfortunately, I start getting rumbled and have to turn back. Even more unfortunately, a couple of NPCs start walking towards that dumpster and then they enter the arcade. Diana informs me that the lead NPC is The Rage so instead of pacifying him I make the snap decision to throw a screwdriver in his face as he sees the body Iā€™m still dragging. I got into a quick fight with his guard and a few others in the area, put myself in that dumpster, waited for the heat to down for a few minutes, then left on the scooter. The worst part of the second run was discovering than my snuggle location in the arcade (which I used the first time but never got to) was inaccessible.

Like I said, I donā€™t know if this ET is bad, a letdown from the previous one, if I just had a bad first impression with the crash and the snuggle drop or some combination of all of the above but I wasnā€™t a fan. I didnā€™t get to see much of his area but, even if I did, it still felt like the weakest H3 ET. In fact, it felt very 2016 (blocking off a small, albeit generally unused part of the map, restricting it up the wazoo, seemingly very limited target route) in the little I was able to ā€œexploreā€.

Most of the Hitman III Elusive Targets, I feel, have more or less justified the calls for permanent rereleases as the game winds down. I, for one, would love to be able to play The Ascensionist again, especially if they threw some new challenges in with them and maybe slightly reworked some. However, the only small interest I have in playing The Rage again is to be able to experience what, if anything, I might have missed.


I theorize that for the end of the 7DS they put more effort into The Ascensionist to make the ET stand out more, but then they switched Wrath and Envy around so they had to do The Rage as the last one instead which makes his mission feel even worse.


I killed him with the Broadsword, truly a weapon fit for wrathful sieges and feverish crusades.

Itā€™s a shame that thereā€™s quite a bit about this ET that seems to be broken or needlessly restrictive, since I feel like it could significantly improve without them.

Also, i may have broken him? I set off a flash device as he was in conversation with the NPC by the ring. After the lockdown, he went back to his spot, and stood there with the other guy. No amount of distractions or further lockdowns got him to continue his route. Is that normal?
Ah well, it let me isolate and KO a bunch if NPCs, though I did get spotted a few times and had some bodies found.

I do hope they fix the guardā€™s behaviour around the block and arcade (though I donā€™t think theyā€™ve fixed stuff like that before for ETs). Seems like theyā€™re set to stop anyone from going through, even their own guards, despite it being legal to be there (unless you enter through a checkpoint)


Just to clarify: What is the Rageā€™s route? I found him walking around this break room near the Block, goes to his drug dealer, then the fighting ring to talk to someone, at which point I caused a Lockdown and I think I broke him. But, if I didnā€™t do thatā€¦ does he still stay in the ring area? Is that it for his route, or does he loop it?

I know there was a laptop somewhere I could use to send an email and make him go elsewhere, but I didnā€™t try it, so I donā€™t know if thatā€™s the only way to get him moving again.

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I didnā€™t see him until he walked in on me moving a body and I threw a screwdriver through his skull about 5 minutes in so I may not be the best person to askā€¦ However, based on videos and comments Iā€™ve seen, Iā€™m fairly sure that is the extent of his route. I think he loops but Iā€™m not sure. Also, the laptop is in an apartment that you can easily find if you follow the dealer after they talk on that bench.

Again, I didnā€™t get to experience any of this firsthand because of how small and restricted his area is; I got most of this from watching OutsideXbox play it (and gained a little more appreciation for it in the process).


We will remember himā€¦ Rage.


Cue Sarah McLaughlinā€¦


And hereā€™s my run for The Rage. Didnā€™t get SA (I got sick of restarting) but I did what I came to doā€¦ terrify and lock him down multiple times. Spooky.


Man, Bach made all that trouble you went through worth it. You went all over the map and finally got him. Nice work.

Here is mine, late as ever.


Finally got around to completing this ET during the current rerun. If thereā€™s a good ironic kill for Hitman 3 ETs, Iā€™ve been trying to take that approach. For example, dropping a disco ball on The Liability. So for The Rage, I decided to find a way to box him and beat him with 47ā€™s bare hands.

I didnā€™t miss an opportunity to fight him in the ring, did I? Iā€™m assuming not, since nobodyā€™s mentioned that possibility in this thread. Which is too bad, because that wouldā€™ve been a good callback to ā€œFight Nightā€ from Absolution.

Nonetheless, I found a way to isolate him and beat him to death. I was hoping to make it exciting, but he went down with one punch, like all regular civilian NPCs. No QTE fighting like with guard NPCs. Yet there are a few videos in this thread with full QTE fighting with The Rage and some people saying itā€™s possible.

Was QTE fighting only possible in a specific location, like the apartment? Or is it platform dependent, with QTE fighting only available on consoles, but not on PC where Iā€™m playing?


time for mr sully to go down tomorrow

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Indeed it is. This time, Iā€™m gonna do something Iā€™ve never done with an ET: Iā€™m gonna beat him to death.


Itā€™s weird that The Rage is next cause theyā€™ve been going in release order for the Hitman 3 Year 2 ETs (except The Heartbreaker but that was cause of Valentineā€™s Day). My guess is next month Dubai will be free for the third time and theyā€™re saving The Ascensionist Year 2 for that.

As for The Rage himself, heā€™s in the middle of the Hitman 3 ETs imo. Not bad, but nothing that great about him either. I think there are a lot of areas in Chongqing which wouldā€™ve been a more interesting location for an ET: the rooftop with drones, the noodle restaurant, the ICA Facility, or the laundromat.