Easter (2025) Roadmap Speculation

As we eagerly await the news for the next roadmap drop, which is likely to be Easter themed, there is nothing quite like a bit of good speculation and theories to fill in a bit of time before the roadmap drops! :wink:

Discuss below potential ideas below on what youā€™d like to see, or what you might think weā€™ll see in the next roadmap! :grin:

Iā€™m obviously hoping for the Easter Safehouse cosmetics for Freelancer!! :wink: :egg:


Easter decorations would be neat.

I say green emetic egg please but DO NOT make it lock on target; the durian locked on target when I was in Paris taking care of the pharmacist and blew the whole thing, leaving me to struggle shooting her with the small ducky gun through the curtains and windows frames awkwardly then sliding down the pipethe whole way down. (Sorry for the rant)

The blue egg does lock on but its a knockout anyway but would not be the the same application with emetics.

And as much i love the easter egg hunt every year, why not mix it up a bit, say do it in whithelton creek or dartmoor!? Say what? :slight_smile:


For what I donā€™t expect for this roadmap:

  • Y5 main events will be the 25th anniversary of the franchise in Fall, and the 10th anniversary of WoA next March. None are here.
  • CelebrET reruns looks to be the enhanced Y5 version of the free location rotation. So a bit separated to the actual roadmap communication (but present on it)

What I do expect for the next Roadmap:

  • The Easter decoration for the Safehouse are as close to guaranteed as one thing can be.
  • The usual ETs and FCs.
  • The first Y5 roadmap showed IOI work on new interesting items. So I hope for more of the same. And I am sincerely delighted by it.

The Drop and the Forger are the 97th and 98th ET from the current career tab.
We will soon have the 100th ET.
But I donā€™t expect anything special for it though.
Separated, but maybe a new celebrET?

IOI seems to hit stride on production.
Y5 seems to have a double track for both attracting new players and for the ā€œhardcoreā€ community.
So I expect some good surprise to arrive this year.

What needs to happen quickly:

  • more and more clothes meshes are broken and need to be patched.
    Mostly around elbows and shoulders.
    (so patching it, would be in a way a literal patching :smiley: )

What I wish to see:

  • If the next Roadmap goes to June, and the solstice, I will still hope for the Solstice Suit (modified to have a Providence Pin :providence_pin:)

    (the providence pin is a quick swap that makes the suit loose the artefact of its initial season2 ET reward, now obsolete. A Providence Suit is frequently asked. Itā€™s an easy win)
    (and we donā€™t have enough suit using Hitman 3 fit, so why not an ā€œevilā€ version)

Edit: since everyone is posting their challenge for their own idea beneath. Here is mine for the Solstice

solstice suit challenge

Name: Happy Hunting, Mr. Rieper

Type: Assassination

  • Do not change out of your suit
  • Eliminate three ICA Agents with loud pistol headshots
  • Eliminate one ICA Agent with a thrown axe
  • Eliminate one ICA Agent with a fall accident

Mission: Apex Predator / Berlin
Reward: The Solstice Suit

I mean, the solstice suit is wholesale from John Wick, so here is a challenge inspired by it.
Itā€™s just the Berlin scene from John Wick 4.
Besides, if a providence pin swap is done, itā€™s a great ā€œevilā€ version of the Hitman 3 suit

Release: 21st of June, Solstice Suit for the summer solstice.


Green egg unlock would be nice. Red would be amazing but would probably send all the other poisons the way of the dodo (unless in a contract specifying ingested / injected).


I expect weā€™ll see the first new Celeb ET in the next roadmap. Maybe not releasing right at the start of it but a month or two in, maybe not even confirming who it is just a shadowy teaser like The Splitter had, but I think itā€™s likely weā€™ll get something on it.

A new Twitch Drop: my guesses are a Purple Fish, Purple Kalmer, or a Purple Striker

Something I hope to see is The Berlin Egg Hunt getting Contracts mode support. Other than that the Green Egg unlocked from a new challenge seems likely.


Sex Update finally releases


Getting the Bank Robber disguise as an unlock would be nice, and would fit the easter theme, since the outfit has a bunny mask.


Purple Kalmer sounds like a wonderful unlock (altho Iā€™m more inclined to believe that out of those 3, Purple Striker is most likely to happen).


I feel like there is gonna be a new challenge on Miami.

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Personally Iā€™d like to see the White Rabbitā€™s suit rather than the Bank Robber, I suggested a challenge for it a while back using the Egg Hunt mission:


The Butcher outfit from Contracts


The easter roadmap would probably follows the same pattern as the previous one:


  • ET: The Drop (confirmed via a post on X, see @Codename-24ā€™s post
  • Release of Y5 ET
  • Batches of FC

Very likely:

  • New challenges with unlocks (probably Freelancer stuffs with eastern cosmetics)
  • Twitch drops (related to The Drop?)


  • Play for free event (another Deluxe escalation free to play)?
  • Eastern cosmetics under the form of a paid DLC? (hope not).
  • Return of the Berlin escalation (Berlin Egg Hunt), with a new unlock??

Donā€™t expect something else.


This is a very good idea.
I too would like to see more options for the stages where contracts can be drawn up.

I personally have a lot to look forward to in future updates, but I would also like to see additional elements added to freelancers.
New freelancer challenges, new syndicates, new target NPCs, elusive target NPCs as additional reward targets that appear very rarely, etc.
I have finished completing all the freelancer challenges and then I feel sad that I have lost my purpose.


At this rate Iā€™ll get a twisted version of my long-running request granted, and the Twitch drop will be a purple Tactical Turtleneck with gloves. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


Maybe we could get the yellow egg as a unlock and when you take it into a mission you have 3 of them like with the snowballs

Also I think a purple sieker would be a nice twitch drop for people that donā€™t own haven island


What I think itā€™ll roughly be.

If this looks bad, its because I edited this image in blenderā€™s video editor.


I want public submission threads for curated contracts. Either by IO or curators. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Due to IOā€™s fondness of using the exact same order for the ETs (excluding CelebrETs), we can reasonably assume the Y5 ETs on the roadmap will be, and in this order:

The Serial Killer
The Deceivers
The Rage
The Revolutionary
The Liability
The Stowaway

Depending on how many theyā€™re going to run in the roadmap of course.


Weā€™ve already seemingly had the threads for this roadmapā€™s FCs: Anonymousā€™ all female batch, Quartzā€™s meme maximizer, and Magicdaveā€™s magical mystery tour

Probably in the coming months weā€™ll be having submission threads for the summer batches.


Right I think it went really well so far the last months.