Finally fixed, Thanks @Combatglue gave me this chance to be a curator. I hope you guys enjoy them, and sorry @Urben I made a little change to your contract (Because axe can be carried as pistol now)
Ooh I was just about to point out that but I thought that would ruin it even for those who are unaware. You did the right thing! Thanks for the pick!
The briefing could probably also have been rewritten to be less confusing but who reads them anyway.
I use Kukri Machete, it’s hard to find another melee that exactly the same as axe, so in the end I chose Kukri Machete that more in line with the map style. Don’t worry about the briefing. I have rewritten it.
Just finished this batch. Well done @Atmosphere and all creators for this great batch of contracts. I really enjoyed them.
All contracts were fun and all were set of different maps which I always like in a batch.
Spent the most time on The Melee Triangle by @Urben . I originally had a 10:03 time but knew I could go a lot faster and eventually got it down to a 5:33 starting from the Bus Stop (getting through the mansion in a suit was a nightmare but I enjoyed optimising my route)
This is a really solid batch imo. Very nice work @Atmosphere and all the creators for the great contracts.
I still want to replay most of them to refine my routes/figure out a faster way to complete them, but I got a run I was happy with on Pilot’s Day Off so far