Dartmoor Garden Show

You forgot “with gloves”, but ‘sokay.


Don’t let it be said I’m not sympathetic.


Now that’s what I’m talking about. :+1:

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Haven´t done the Floballer unlock yet, but I noticed the balcony ladder can finally be climbed. Maybe it´s been like that for a while, but I haven´t played DGS for months, so… Progress!


It was broken when I tried it a month or so ago, so I guess the July patch fixed it.



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After seeing @Rimland’s post about the ladder being fixed, I checked if the other major bug with the Garden Show has been fixed. Sure enough, you can now only select the smuggled item locations you can actually access in the mission!


Not to bubble burst, but the correct smuggle locations always showed on the escalation itself (as far as I can recall anyway) but on Contracts Mode is when all the others would appear. Which still happens.


The problem is (and I’ve mentioned this before) when ioi cut Escalations and Challenge packs they didn’t replace them with anything. That’s why H3 post-launch content has been so sparse.

Besides the 7DS (paid) Ambrose Island (free) and the upcoming Freelancer (hopefully free but might end up being paid) every month we’ve gotten primarily recycled content: reactivated ETs, ET Arcade contracts (still recycled ETs) and a shit ton of Featured contracts which are no different than Trending contracts already in the game.


Which wouldn’t have helped much even if they had kept them in, since escalations and challenge packs ranged from annoying to sucky, so IOI had always had a post-launch content problem. What they should have done was release just ETs, bonus missions, and new maps, all along, after main game content was released. But nooooo.


Tried to make an easy contract for people so they can complete the Seasonal Pruning Challenge, but it looks like you can’t earn challenges in Dartmoor Garden Show contracts. I presume that is because originally the challenges available in the DGS were meant to be accessible in the escalation itself only? That’s unfortunate and I feel extra bad since it’s already published on Xbox now :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s so pretty, I will never use a different weapon again :heart_eyes:


ioi might end up changing that. The challenges for the DGS were originally like that as well and they ended up changing it to be consistent with the rest of the game (all other levels allow challenge unlocks in contracts mode).

Might just be an oversight, seems like they had a bit of a problem releasing that content as well.


im the same im glad they are doing challenge packs again on H3


Am I the only one who didn’t know you could get up there :sob:

Honestly, they should fix all of those extra locations but Arrivals, which is nearby dumpster. They should just place here a box of vegetables here so that items smuggled here don’t float!

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I get that it rains a lot in England and that’s probably part of the reason why the weather in “Death in the Family” is so bad. But the weather in garden show is so nice, it’s a really lovely place to be (:



Silly question but how does one increase the voltage of the microphone without being noticed?
The swap is no problem, but it seems like that entire garden can see me turn that voltage switch…

Did not try myself but the Staff disguise does not help? Maybe the EMP? :thinking:


The EMP doesn’t do anything.
But that mansion staff disguise does the trick! The action is no longer illegal.
Funny, for some reason I thought mansion staff wasn’t allowed up that stage.