DARTMOOR, England (Mission #2) - Location Discussion

Had a lovely unexpected kill when I made Emma do it,looking around and a mini video pops up sayingtargwt elimated, even better it’s a redacted one.
Two Mission stories done, one left - the funeral, now need to find the starting conversation

Problem is how lost I get in the manor. I was going crazy yesterday because of how similar everything looked.

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I told myself I wouldn’t do the obvious murder mystery mission story when I first played the level, but damn it IOI made it so fun and irresistible to try!
I’ve only played Dartmoor once, but I spent the whole dang mission in that one detective outfit, it’s such a great way to have a unique style of opportunity while also letting the player explore and learn the level pretty much without restraint!

By the end of the mission story, I was able to accuse Emma or Zachary as culprits to the murder, but not the Butler! I went and photographed everything I could on the map, went into every secret room and found all the clues in the Butler’s office, but why can’t I accuse him? (I missed one interrogation opportunity with the youngest member, but I don’t see how he fits into blaming the butler.) Any tips?
Scratch all that. Seems I missed one clue. Got it.

Also, it seems like with Dubai, this level is cinematic in reverse. I was disappointed that I found some boat keys but couldn’t use them to escape in the end! But that’s probably to have that silent, ominous run back to the bike. Honestly, that was cool so I get why they did that. Next time I’ll get that boat, then.
(But I think I’m gonna move straight to the next mission! That ending cutscene tho!! Call me crazy, but I really felt sorry for Grey in the end. He got caught doing recon, and when cornered he had to kill himself to keep from getting caught (also 47 just had to stand there and watch. Damn.) At least he went out with good intentions and not in betraying us somehow.


I’ve grown to appreciate this map a lot more as I take out the challenges. I love all the shortcuts and climbable areas. The map itself is a lot better designed and deep than I thought. And the target is really excellent, with her route(s), personality, and kills. I especially like how many kills you can setup here and have them take place when you’re on the other end of the map like putting a fuse into the camera man’s power, creating the electrocution trap, and leaving. Just a really well done location I feel. So far (I’m right about to start China) I can’t decide which one is my favorite. They’re all really fantastic.

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I love the atmosphere of the map and also like having a kinda smaller mansion map, but I just don’t dig how it’s all laid out. Climb up to her office, or do the very railroaded mission stories, and that’s kinda it. That’s how I felt originally and I’ve gotten mastery now and feel the same. I’m not saying it’s a BAD map, I enjoy it, but it’s probably my least favorite in 3 gameplay wise not counting the ending.

Was it just me or have all the exits except the motorcycle been unavailable until reaching mastery 20?

i have all of the exits unlocked including the motorcycle but i can’t complete the challenge for it

You need to get on it from the driver’s left side.


Just to mention here. Motorcycle exit in Berlin has the same issue.

Another way to knock out the PI without getting detected.

During a brief period of time, he strolls along the hallway with the hunting shotguns.

I used this opportunity to throw a banana at him.

Wow that was really impressive! My best run is just me shooting the office chandelier after sneaking to a pipe.

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Here’s my saso run. This was such a pain to make but it really paid off.


I’m looking forward to doing some contracts on this map. I find that single target maps can be a bit short-lived, but taking out that smart-arse kid at the pool table. Aside from the PI, he was the only NPC I took out during my first playthrough, couldn’t resist

I spent 7 and a half hours in Dartmoor today, started with PB 1:05 SASO leaving via the bridge. Ended just short of target (59s) with 1:00 SASO hearse exit. There full session was streamed if anyone is interested. Sorry about the audio desync, i guess my ps4 was tired too lol.


Cool run dude. I’ll never understand panic shots that well haha.

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FWIW, I wanted this stuff patched out, but as it’s here, I will make use of it.

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Used a rake to make Alexa fall into her burial site and I buried her as she was falling :laughing:


Expertly done! :rofl:

Gorgeous :+1:


This is the second NPC on this map I’ve found who is female but has a clearly male name

PoLiTiCaL c0rRecTneSs GoNe mAd!1!

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