Trying toget the Chameleon discovery but I cant seem to find the last outfit, As far as I can tell I tried on every outfit there is, even ended up killing everyone in the level just to make sure. Does anyone have a hint / tip or a clue to where the last hard to find outfit might be ?
Does anyone know yet or is this level and mastery bugged ?
Maybe you missed the Facility Engineer? That’s the one that I got last, because there are either very few male variants or just one. It’s the people in red jumpsuits in the Tier 3 area of the ICA Facility.
This should be a full list:
Street Guard
Dumpling Cook
Homeless Person
Block Guard
Resarcher (at the block)
Perfect Test Subject (homeless person in the bathroom at the top of the block)
Facility Security
Facility Guard
Facility Analyst
Facility Engineer