In Steam, I have the gold edition of Hitman 1 and 2. In Hitman 3, it seems I lost access to all the escalations/challenges (for example, I can’t do The Icon or Marrakesh night on Hitman 3, although it works fine via 2). I also lost all the DLC items (eg Smart Casual Suit, Winter Suit, etc, etc). For some reason, I can go to the bank and haven, but nothing else.
If needed, I can re-install Hitman 2 and compile a full list of what’s missing, but the short version appears to be “everything that wasn’t part of the base games”.
Has anyone encountered similar issues? I don’t have too much progress on Hitman 3 that I will miss, so if I have to re-import or whatever, that’s fine. I just want my smart casual suit and Marrakesh night mission back.
The themed dlc packs will come back when you have hitman 2 gold acess pass on epic. Odd it’s letting you go to haven and the bank tho.
I just checked again, and now I can’t go anywhere in 1 or 2.
Is this something I have to buy (again?). Seems like at this point the only things that actually carried over are the master level and a few unlocked items.
None of the locations are carried over to HITMAN 3.
You have to have HITMAN 2016 game on Epic (free version will do fine) to be able to have locations from HITMAN 2016 in HITMAN 3 for free. If you don’t have any HITMAN 2016 game on Epic, you’ll have to buy HITMAN 1 GOTY Access Pass in order to gain access to H1 locations within HITMAN 3.
If you own HITMAN 2 on Steam, you either have to wait or if you don’t want to wait, to buy HITMAN 2 Access Pass.
Developers promised to give H2 locations within HITMAN 3 for free to those who own H2 on Steam.
But it’s currently unknown how much we should wait.
If you don’t own HITMAN 2 on Steam, the only way to have H2 locations in HITMAN 3 is to buy HITMAN 2 Access Pass.
There are 3 Passes: Standard, Expansion and Gold.
- Standard will give you access to basic 6 locations from HITMAN 2 and 1 sniper map.
- Expansion will give you access to The Bank, Haven Island, Special Assignments and 2 additional sniper maps. But it won’t give you access to basic 6 locations.
- Gold Access Pass will grant you access to every location that is available in the game.
That means it will give you 6 basic locations, 2 DLC locations (The Bank and Haven Island), 3 sniper maps and Special Assignments.
All additional DLCs were not mentioned in any lists. Only Requiem Pack was mentioned as AWOL and being investigated
Wow they sure know how to nickle and dime you out of everything (even content I’ve paid for). And my SSD doesn’t have space to keep both games installed unless I delete a bunch of other stuff.
Oh well, c’est la vie.