Trespassing but no witnesses, every npc can be killed by accident but SA.It is a hard mission for guards to see through your disguises .Npcs are very dumb here so it’s easy to control them.
Actually, Codename 47 is the easiest game to play. Load it up, try to make 47 move anywhere, go “well, this sucks,” turn it off, game is over. Easy.
To be fair, I’m mainly referring to how annoying it is to navigate a PC game.
Yes. BM really softened the difficulty compared to H2SA and Contracts. It also invented the boxes to store bodies in. Boxes are for sure needed as the number of NPCs grows with the stronger computing power of the more modern games, but I’d like to see more instances where we have to just hide a body in a closet or behind a corner similar to the White House level in BM. The “any accident doesn’t hurt SA” is also nonsense and that rule can be exploited to make the game way easier.
Get a “elite” disguise (ie the Delgado basement guards or Martinez’ golden Devil’s Own costume) and you can practically roam the whole level undisturbed, as guards don’t start suspecting you as fast as they did in the previous games. Enforcers in WoA who can see through your disguise were a great way to rectify this issue…
NPCs in general are less attentive and gun-crazy than they were in previous games…
Get rid of as many witnesses and non-targets as you want… as long as you do it with Accident Kills… the previous games let you kill one non-target at most per mission and still keep SA, as long as it was a guard, but they went overboard with BM…
Your Suit doesn’t count as part of the Covers Blown rating at the end, so you can tresspass and get shot at to your heart’s content while in your suit and still get SA… kinda silly if you ask me.
47 can buy items to heal (the aspirin and the adrenaline), a feature that didn’t exist in the older games where if you got shot at you had to be very careful to still complete the mission…
It’s certainly a much more forgiving game than the previous ones. Doesn’t mean it’s bad or whatever, or that it was casualized. Some of the above actually improve the sandbox experience a little imo. It is what it is I guess.
I think codename47 is hard . I am not good at shooting …
BM is an easy but very interesting game.These absurd mechanics make the game be one of my favorite video games.
There is a scroll lock key