Are you afraid of your own mortality?

When I say this I mean if death is the end of all subjective experience, leading to complete non-existence, are you afraid of that? I am terrified of it personally, I know I wont know it when I get there (or if there is an afterlife I will know and wont be afraid anymore) but I personally dont like the idea of not having choice of where to go and to be completely unconscious forever. I get that I wont be aware of it, wont suffer and that eternal life might get boring but to not-exist at all forever to me seems like a bad idea. It doesnt seem very peaceful. I’d really like a Heaven, be it through future technology or another dimension/universe but I often think about if reincarnation in the form of a cyclical universe might sort this all out. I think death is a big bummer if it’s completely final and permanent

How do you guys cope? For a while it’s robbed me of anything other than contemplating death and I feel I need to have some sort of illusion of immortality that everyone else has in order to cope


I don’t want to die but I know that it’s inevitable and could happen literally any moment.
So I just can’t do anything about it.
I won’t say I’m afraid, I just don’t want to get any older and to die eventually


Not even the tiniest bit afraid of being dead.

Absolutely terrified by the process of dying.


Ideal option is to go to sleep and just never wake up :slight_smile:


I mean, really - deep down - we all want to feel that fibre wire round our throat and hear the earpiece crackle of, “Good job, 47, now find an exit” as it all fades to black, don’t we…?


I wish I had your courage for the former and I wish you had my courage of the latter. I’m a young man right now but I can take the pain of dying if it leads to something good, but the idea of being dead and not being able to do stuff concerns me. I also have loved ones that I want to spend all of eternity with so maybe when 60 years pass I’ll be more comfortable with no longer experiencing

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No, not for me :slight_smile:
I don’t want to get killed :slight_smile:
If it’s inevitable I just want to go for natural reasons


I’m certainly not looking to die anytime soon but If I happen to reach a point where I can no longer take care of myself and become completely dependent on others then I would rather call it quits.

Who the hell actually believes they’re immortal?


Those idiots who’re doing 100+ on motorways (at best) or those damn bikers…


Weirdly, I do feel the same way. I love life but I dont know if I want to be 80 or 90 and still in grief or fear. I think old age increases risk of painful life, which is what I want to avoid by dying. Making it an escape rather than a theft

sorry just quoting something from freud, about how he says that the human mind cant contemplate its own non-existence, because if you imagine yourself dead you imagine either you observing your own death or you observing a black nothingness, which i suspect is because we associate death with the moment of dreamless sleep that we dont have memory of but the prior memory is that of closing your eyes


  • It would make my mom cry

Outside of that, I have a “oh dying is easy, and in a way extraordinary banal” stance since a decade ago. It’s peaceful once you accept it.


Assuming no freak accidents happen in the meantime I’m expecting I’ll at least live to the age of 80. It’s just something I’ve worked out… But anything can happen. Something my father would always say “Lord willing” since none of us have the promise of tomorrow. If my time is up before I reach 80 then that will be that. Nothing can be done about it.

How would I die? My mother suffered for months with cancer. My father… He lived most of his life as a preacher after he had a life-changing spiritual experience in his early 20s. When he died… The last thing I heard was a phone call from the hospital, I assume he was brought back from the nursing home he was admitted to earlier that day… They told me had fallen and had to be brought back, but they expected him to be okay. The next morning I found out he passed away a couple of hours later. So I don’t know if he, in a way, tried to take his own life so he wouldn’t be a burden on me, or if God had mercy on him and taken him home.

I do believe in an afterlife. I’ve heard enough about heaven and hell all my life, but I’ve also heard a lot of stories about near-death experiences. I also believe we are more than just our physical bodies. Consciousness is everything. And where does consciousness come from?

I suppose to answer your question; I don’t think I’m too afraid to die. I think I’d hate to die because, well, I can’t say I have my house in order. Let’s say I was given a diagnosis from the doctor that I have 2 weeks to live. I’d probably be more irritated that that wasn’t enough time to… I dunno. Throw away and/or burn a whole lot of non-essential junk that someone else would have to figure out what to do with when I go. :sweat_smile:

Let’s take that diagnosis for example. See how the phrase “You have 2 weeks to live.”

is different from “You have 2 weeks until you die.”

So live life to the fullest for what time you have left.


Not really, it would really bother me if I knew it would happen soon since there are things I want to have done first. But stopping to exist (if that is what lies behind death) then that is nothing unpleasant, as long dying is quick aind without pain. if there is more like an afterlive, I will express a positive “huh I see” to the next soul I see.

I would not mind living on forever though I guess until I change my mind and keep my mind until then. :sweat_smile: Maybe some day you upload a copy of your mind into “the paradise” when you die so people of the future can still interact with you as long the copy wishes to do so.


Quick, hide this before Heisenberg finds it.


4.5 billion years (just on Earth) of nothingness before my birth and an eternity of nothingness after my death.


Yep, nothing on Earth mortifies me more than the thought of dying.

Except spiders, fuck those things.


Not much. I’m just afraid of dying before being able to do what I want and fullfil my objectives.

Once they are all done, I will feel more in peace with the chance of passing away anytime. Already have been through it, even once almost being shot.


Absolutely terrified, and frankly, offended at the inevitability of death and the high probability that this is all there is. I hate it with every fiber of my being.

I get no comfort from the idea of reincarnation because those who claim to be reincarnated (conveniently) don’t remember their past lives other than random flashes of unknown “memory.” If that’s the case, it’s no different than actually dying and ceasing to exist, because the person you were is gone and a brand new person has now come into the world and they’re just using your soul as a means for their own existence. Its like if you wipe a motherboard clean of memory and put it into a different computer tower; that’s not the old computer just transferred to a new body, because all of its memory is gone, it’s starting completely fresh, so being added to a new whole makes it a whole new computer. That’s not a completely clean analogy, but you get the idea.

I don’t think the idea of eternity in an afterlife will get boring, like many people do when they contemplate the subject, because the idea is that it is not your physical body in the afterlife, but your soul, and so all emotions and experiences are from your being, not your body. Boredom is a result of biochemical processes that are caused when you experience emotions and your body generates chemicals in response; eventually your body gets used to those chemicals and becomes accustomed to them, so that same emotional trigger is diminished. Things that interested you and resulted in a happy emotional response no longer do because of your body becoming accustomed to the trigger, so you have to find new things to cause a new trigger. If you’re in an afterlife that is meant to have an eternity of happiness (one view which may not be true), then you will not grow accustomed to things that make you happy there as you would on earth in a corporeal body, and so every joy will always feel like the first time at all times.

If there is no afterlife, then I would certainly want to live forever, but not just me; I would want the fundamental processes of existence to be altered as such that entropy stops at the cosmic level, the universe ceases to expand, and people no longer die, at least not inevitably. Enough changes could still take place to allow certain processes to continue (plants growing and dying, animals, tectonic movement and such) so that changes on one level would still take place, but we’d never run out of resources, never really run out of room, and never become bored with our existence because those chemical processes that lead to boredom would also be inhibited. Life’s struggles would still exist but would always be temporary; for example, there would be no terminal cancer. People may still get cancer and it would cause some mild pain and discomfort for a while, but would eventually be overcome and they could continue on having a normal and fulfilling life; with an eternal life, a few months or years of battling a cancerous tumor and coming out the other side healed and back to normal would seem no real problem.

I, and probably everybody, lack the capacity to properly imagine and define an undying world on the human scale, but you get what I mean.


Ok, I can offer a few quotes here from writers (including many French) that, I hope, may be able to comfort you or try to enlighten us better. The simplified answer is that death puts an end to our earthly suffering and peace of soul awaits us. And from a biological point of view, we die without even knowing it because our brain does not have time to realize it.

By Pascal:
“Men having been unable to cure death, misery, ignorance, they decided, to make themselves happy, not to think about it. / There are only three kinds of people: some who serve God having found him, others who seek him having not found him, others who live without seeking him or having found him. The first ones are reasonable and happy, the latter are mad and unhappy. Those in the middle are unhappy and reasonable.”

By Chateaubriand:
“For if men who believe in Providence agree on the main leaders of their doctrine, those on the contrary who deny the Creator never cease to argue about the bases of their nothingness. They have an abyss before them; to fill it, all they need is the bottom stone, but they don’t know where to get it. / Religion prevents dryness of the soul.”

By Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
“Flee those who, under the pretext of explaining nature, sow distressing doctrines in the hearts of men, and whose apparent skepticism is a hundred times more affirmative and more dogmatic than the decided tone of their adversaries. Under the haughty pretext that they alone are enlightened, true, in good faith, they imperiously submit us to their sharp decisions, and claim to give us, for the true principles of things, the unintelligible systems that they have constructed in their imagination. Moreover, overthrowing, destroying, trampling under foot everything that men respect, they take away from the afflicted the last consolation of their misery, from the powerful and the rich the only restraint of their passions; they extract from the depths of their hearts remorse for their crime, the hope of virtue, and still boast of being benefactors of the human race. Never, they say, is the truth harmful to men: I believe it like them; and this is, in my opinion, a great proof that what they teach is not the truth.”

By TolstoĂŻ:
“Man is a weak, miserable animal until the light of God shines in his heart. / Our fleshly remains raise an impenetrable veil between us and the Lord. Let us therefore confine ourselves to studying the sublime principles which our divine Savior has left us for our conduct here below; let us try to conform to them and follow them, convince ourselves that the less we give rise to our weak human spirit, the more it is pleasing to God, who rejects all knowledge that does not come from Him; that the less we seek to delve into what He has been pleased to conceal from our knowledge, the sooner He will grant us the discovery of it through His divine spirit.”

By Dostoyevsky:
“Never expect reward for the good you do, because your part is already good enough in this world: you will know the true joy of the soul, which is only granted to the righteous.”

By Thomas More:
“The soul is immortal: God who is good created it to be happy. After death, rewards crown virtue, tortures torment crime.”

By Madame de Staël:
“The Supreme Being abandoned the world to the wicked, and […] he reserved the immortality of the soul only for the righteous: the wicked will have had a few years of pleasure, the virtuous hearts long sorrows, but the prosperity of some will end in nothingness, and the adversity of others prepares them for eternal felicity.”

By St. Augustin:
“It is better to fight vice than to let it dominate without a fight. Better to leave war with the hope of eternal peace than captivity without any concern for deliverance. Certainly we desire the end of this war, and the flame of divine love carries us towards this immutable order of peace and stability which will restore to higher realities their pre-eminence over lower ones. But if (God forbid) the hope of such good were only a dream, we should still prefer the eternal tears of this interior duel to an unresisting capitulation to the tyranny of our passions. / For, without you, what am I to myself, if not a guide leading to the abyss?”

By Matthieu Ricard:
“In the eyes of a Westerner, who is much more individualistic, everything that disturbs, threatens and ultimately destroys the individual is felt as an absolute tragedy because the individual constitutes a world of his own. In the East, where a more holistic vision of the world prevails and where greater importance is given to the relationships between all beings and to the belief in a continuum of consciousness that takes birth again, death is not an annihilation, but a passage.”

That was it for the litany of quotes.


Youre in good company with me, i find all the talks about immortality being bad from philosophers to be sour grapes arguments. if i dont have an existence to look forward to afterwards then all i have is this existence and taking that away doesnt add anything it only subtracts

i wouldnt want immortality now because i know it wouldnt be true immortality and i know it wouldnt be testable as safe yet, but if there was a way to bring me back to life millions of years in the future along with everyone else who’s ever died in an entropy-less universe that’d be really fun. if you can imagine yourself living tomorrow, you can imagine yourself living forever