Announcing New Elusive Target: The Drop (Year 5: March 13 - April 5 2025)

Dimitri Vegas Elusive Target Reveal

New free Elusive Target

We’re excited to announce a brand-new Elusive Target coming to HITMAN World of Assassination featuring international superstar DJ and actor Dimitri Vegas. Featuring Dimitri Vegas’ likeness and voiceover work, the upcoming mission will be available for free to all HITMAN World of Assassination players later this year.

Dimitri Vegas will take on the role of “The Drop” – a DJ-turned-drug impresario bent on controlling the scene one way or another

The Drop Elusive Target was announced during a surprise interruption to Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike’s set at Tomorrowland 2023 on July 30th, the largest and most popular electronic dance music festival in the world.

I’m extremely excited to be a part of the Hitman universe,” said Dimitri. “It’s always exciting to be involved in creative projects and I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone reacts to my character when the mission launches later this year.”

Dimitri Vegas

“We’re thrilled to partner with Dimitri Vegas on a brand new Elusive Target mission in HITMAN World of Assassination”, said Hakan Abrak, CEO of IO Interactive. "This will be the first Elusive Target mission that we’ve created in two years and we’re very happy that our passionate community and newcomers to the game will be able to enjoy it for free later this year as part of IO Interactive’s 25-year anniversary celebrations."

Coming fall 2023.

(Mission Reveal Trailer released August 24, 2023)


A post was merged into an existing topic: Leaked Items/Suits Megathread

Bloody hell.

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My Reaction: Holy Shit! An Actual New ET that isn’t recycled! Hitman 3’s getting a celebrity ET! Hope they were able to negotiate it to be archived in the ET Arcade and not lost to time like The Undying and The Wild Card…

If I had to guess, it’ll be a Berlin ET since the guy’s a DJ (I’ve never heard of him before)


Well the celebrity ET’s in 2016/ 2 are specific to their games due to the various rights…the Drop won’t have this issue as it’s specific to H3 WOA.

I think IOI are quite aware of the whole celebrity issue by now, so no need to worry.

Yeah, same, it makes the most sense.

Okay, so to contradict myself a bit…what if IOI paid for the rights to use the other celebrity ET’s for a special ETA featuring The Wildcard, The Undying and now The Drop as seperate stages. That’d be pretty cool.

I really, REALLY hope this is the plan in future.


My reaction to that information:


Why do I get the feeling this was mo-capped in something like FaceApp by Bateson…because it has that AI generated vibe to it.


the voiceover is also definitely not something 47 would say💀 i think it was just supposed to sound “badass” bc they were revealing it at a music festival


I’m surprised that in the trailer they actually paid David Bateson to record new voice lines, something they haven’t done for any of the post-launch content for Hitman 3 up to this point (not even Freelancer got new lines!).


It’s neat to see celebrity ETs making a return! I hope this won’t have any legal issues.
The teaser for it felt a bit…odd, I guess, but I’m definitely going to try this out when it comes out! I’m excited!


Well. that’s a genuine surprise.

Also, I wonder if it means a new special unlock.


I’m shocked normally this is already been leaked somewhere this is exciting tho I have to be honest I don’t play hitman that much anymore so I can’t wait to play


Well. That was… unexpected


Wow! Exciting and unexpected! Wonder if it’ll be time limited still


They learned their lesson it seems.


Just early ioi already upload et’s in the game, but here, this et don’t have in the files


Guess it’s time to renew my membership in #TeamNoRestarts.


That’s one ugly looking baby.


not sure if

So, there is more to the whole…


Seems like the guy’s PR team paid IO to create ET with him as the target, buy why the heck not - I’d be happy to drown his Hitman avatar in the toilet for him to get his money’s worth :toilet::joy:

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