Announcement: The Splitter

The Purple Streak Box Suit thing, considering it is a reward only when you buy a subscription. The ‘payment overseas’ here basically covers all payment around the world unfortunately, of course excluding EGS and Steam blah blah, cuz they have some kind of domestic agents in China to handle purchases here. Paypal is said to be allowed in China, but there’s a threshold hard to walk over.


Okay, I decided to play journalist for a moment and checked the current campaigns. Only Minecraft are currently doing this sort of deal. I haven’t checked the closed campaigns yet as I don’t wanna get RSI, but doing a quick inspect-elementing also yields Minecraft also.

The overwhelming majority of campaigns are watching people, and not subscriptions.


Thank you for bringing that to me,
will have this added in my debrief.

Thank you


First: the PS5 “saving” bug in full swing for the whole video.
(that’s why it keeps being brought up @Combatglue )

Second: I really like the ICA facility. Seems heavily modified. Almost a brand new space.
As an example, that bathroom near the entrance doesn’t normally exist. Not just redecorated. Not exist. it’s a wall usually with nothing.
The ICA facility being modular has been taken to heart.

Kinda wish we had some of that production value to have some new serious items in the main game…

It also seems we start undercover.

And it’s basically Patient Zero 2.0

(also got it right about clones. Guess splitter is also in that meaning)


TBH, I never guessed JCVD as the celebrET of Hitman!
But why not? It brings a little bit of nostalgia in the game.

Did you notice this detail? The SMG displays 4 barrels. So, is it more than a cosmetic variant? Is its firerate increased compared to regular SMG? Bigger magazine?

Looking at the trailer, the map sounds to be altered, especially the ICA facility. Do hope that an interesting mission story has been implemented in the mission.

And lastly, my feeling about the Twitch drop:
Van Damme Street Fighter GIF - Van Damme Street Fighter Guile ...


All in all, seems like a worthy end of the year right?
This also mean I have nearly been with you guys for a year.

and I might have something small small up my sleeve… :smiley:


I raise you…


I just love that movie.
Grew up playing SF against my older brother haha.


Will a twitch prime subscription count towards getting the suit or only the fully paid ones?


I don’t think so it doesn’t work that way for Minecraft’s twitch sub rewards

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Wow! This mission looks f****** amazing. I’ll wait for the mission before making my definitive judgement. But it looks very promising! IOI seems to have done a beautiful piece of work!


I’m still eyeing the coin and the solstice suit…

(half-) joking aside:

Good end to Y4 though. Sincerely.
It seems like a solid mission. A solid design.
And quite a fair amount of work on it. Good work.
Looks more hearty, passionate than the previous celebrET. Which I always like to see.

I was born in the 90s. Of course I like some JCVD.

But I will always ask for some token production to go toward the more serious side of the game. unsuspicious RFID, large EMP, silenced ClassicStriker, one or two serious suit…
Unless there are good surprises in the roadmap, they were abandoned in Year 4. I can’s go around that.

The Splitter is in continuity, and a good climax of Year 4.
Highlight the good it can be.
Emphasise what it missed too.

We will see the 12th.


I will check, I actually do not know this.

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Gonna be fun to take a look at the patch notes! :smiley:


As another example, I remember World of Tanks had it at least once: one style (skin) for watching and another for subscribing:


World of warcraft,
Final fantasy
Are games I know of that has had this also. :slight_smile:

Am very much looking forward to this ET, thank you for releasing the information. I’ve made a secondary thread detailing the post Splitter roadmap content itself, but if you or any of the mods feel like it’s unnecessary as the info is in this one, then that’s ok. Let me know and I’ll remove :slight_smile:


No worries from my side!
I will post the notes to your post when it goes live.

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This new mission sounds promising. The seemingly new soldier models from the trailer also make me hopeful about the production quality.
Some of the shots from the trailer reminded of the police raid from Deadly Cargo in Hitman Contracts. Another take on “cause a shootout to sneak past” scenario is probably unlikely, but a man can dream.


Looking more into the IGN preview:

I kinda wish it was (also?) a standalone mission under the pack.

I get why it’s an Arcade, and why arcades must have at least 2 levels and their 12 hours wait time if failed.
I even sincerely respect the Arcade for what it brings and what its limitations means for player approach. It’s a smart way to bring the ETs while fully acknowledging what they are in the game ecosystem.


I constantly replay Patient Zero. favourite mission in the game. It’s my brain off and relax map. It breaks me to know I won’t be able to have fun with this new mission as much.

The Splitter seems to be exactly my jam. 14 targets? Accident galore? A full redesign of a location that was so-and-so to just be toyed with.
And the arcade is also exactly what will break this kind of fun.

I know I won’t have as much fun with it as I could. Which is a shame for a game.

As a full aside: I kinda wonder what the Block will look like.
Identical, closed off, empty, fully redecorated