If it’s being processed at all.
The solution is already made, the content made unavailable.
Did IOI confirmed they are working towards making unlocks available through other means?
This thread is focused primarily on why McGregor is a shit and protesting his inclusion.
I created a new thread because I wanted a discussion on how to move forward with the intention of it having a better chance of garnering the attention of IOI. A lot of folks in this thread also seem interested in discussing how to move forward rather than protesting.
Now we’re back to lumping in the forward-looking dialog with the emotionally charged protests of this thread that started way before IOI even pulled the DLC from storefronts.
There’s nothing to discuss here, and our talking won’t change anything. There are four scenarios:
Find another celebrity from the MMA industry and replace him, changing the model, the character’s voice, and sell it again (I think Tyson would take this gig because he likes money, hehe). Everyone who alerdy owns DLC it will get new one for free… and all of this to satisfy the smaller group of dedicated fans. This scenario is unrealistic because it generates new costs and work time that certainly won’t pay off.
Replace McGregor with a generic NPC, record new dialogues with a different voice (or change them using AI), so they don’t match McGregor’s. But this doesn’t align with the idea behind these DLCs, which is ET with Celebrities, and it could also break the contract with McGregor. This scenario is unlikely.
McGregor is cleared of charges, IOI re-releases the DLC for sale, everyone is happy, except for a handful of activists who will shout about how bad McGregor is. This scenario might have a chance, but it’s uncertain because IOI is very delicate with PR, they have a lot to lose.
Do nothing. It’s over, IOI earned what they were meant to earn, those who bought the DLC are lucky, the rest will have to live with it and make do with the new DLCs. IOI doesn’t lose anything except for having to take the fall for the casting decision. Some of players will be mad, but this is just business. This is the most likely scenario.
Or Valiant’s first (unnumbered) clone who ran away and pretends to be the real deal. He has a lot of imperfections (hair color, speech behavior, crooked nose, you name it), so it’s not really clear who and what he is. Add a comment from Diana, like “He looks familiar, but I can’t tell why”, and you have a silly tie-in with The Splitter and a celebET that doesn’t need another celebrity’s face.
Or - replace Disruptor with new face and bring in one of regular VA’s and sell it, but not for 5 euros but like 2 or 3 because you don’t add multiple new missions, multiple new items or many changes to Freelancer house.
I think as people more so want the items contained within the DLC pack as they are now usable in Freelancer, I think the majority would be happy with this scenario. Although this would probably be the easiest and cheapest way for IOI, like you say, it’s unlikely due to the contractual issues with McGregor.
Only problem is, he’d be dead as this point in the canon timeline wouldn’t he? Plus, when 47 had interactions with Sanchez, Diana wasn’t 47’s handler as she was presumed dead during that point in the story, so that would present problems with the ET briefing I guess? not sure if there would be other ways around it?