47 looks weird no?
Very different from H2 “suit” face
47 looks weird no?
Very different from H2 “suit” face
He looks way better in-game. Whereas the H2 face looked worse in-game imo.
New face definitely looks off, its much smoother than previous ones. I think I liked from H2 most.
47’s new modern face through this trilogy is pretty decent and definitely respects the legacy of previous games:
Handsome and ruthlessly looking in the same time, the new face(s) of 47 are good enough and don’t really need much improvements in my opinion
For me the second one remains the best one in the trilogy and probably in the entire series. 2016 version lacked the eye movement which made 47 look like an alien, IO probably didn’t have enough time to tweek it and as for H3, it’s too early, not sure if I like the de-aging thing that’s going on since 47 should be, what, 56 years old? We’ll see
Why can’t we unlock the ability to change his face let’s be honest? Like I love this new signature suit mk 3 but I prefer the H2 face. Why not mix and match? So i can unlock 40 suits but not 3 faces?
I personally felt the opposite at first, the cheekbones I think are better from the front whereas this new face looks more normal from the side.
By and large, the changes are not too strong, wrinkle smoothing is most important. I think it’s a good concept that he looks so young and beautiful in his age. He’s not an ordinary person. And I don’t think he looks different every time - his basic facial features are always preserved, it’s just that the developers are looking for the best formula.
“the true power of 47 chromosomes!”
Yes, I first thought he looks thinner than in Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2 (from the first Dubai cutscene). But seeing those new pictures it seems like he gained some weight/muscles
I also watched the ending cutscene from Dubai, so here are some spoilers…
Is that a scar on his chin?
Like I said I’m warming to this one, I loved the Hitman 2 face but it had texturing problems. My ideal 47 would be the one on the 2016 box art. You know the one.
This is a dimple, not a scar. Where could you see this video?
Damn, he looks great there. In the gameplay, tho, not so impressive
Here is the video, it’s the ending cutscene of Dubai, so you have been warned for spoilers!
Just had a peek at the Nick930 video, and I´m not sure I like 47´s new face/head Seems too round and young…
That´d be grand (they could throw in skybox changes as well while at it)
Also, bloom effects for explosions?? Isn´t there enough bloom already!?
Every time I get a reply in this thread I get reminded of my “I wipe my ass with the Absolution model” copypasta and get amused by myself lmao.
Personally I’m happy with 47’s new face. Think IOI have done a really good job. Like some others have said, his face might be slightly different come launch.