

A Malaysian guy that are beginner to Hitman series. First encounter with Hitman is mobile app Hitman Sniper. The true beginning for me is when Epic Games release Hitman 1 as free gift on August 27 - September 3 2020 which make me fall in love with this game. Getting hooked, I decided to preorder Hitman 3 and buy all extension, dlc and previous game pass. My regret is I didn’t find this game earlier.

Only a year later I found out about this Hitman Forum. Before this, I only watching MrFreeze2244 tutorial on YouTube. Now I know where the community gather online (beside discord & reddit). I also found a great place to share contracts and answer the mystery on how a contract got featured in Featured Contract. In this forum, I meet great person who are friendly and ready to help beginner like me.