“A friend? Have you gone soft, 47?”
Hitman Fanboy since early 2015, forum user since August 2018.
Hitman is my favorite game franchise. I have 2000+ hours in the trilogy and hundreds across in the original games. I absolutely LOVE the gameplay of WoA! But prefer the story of the older games to the one in WoA. I’m just not the biggest fan of the subplot of 47 killing Diana’s parents (Worst. Retcon. EVER.)
Also I really disliked the Birth of the Hitman comic. Mainly because I don’t like 47 killing Diana’s parents, but also because it’s just… bad.
The trilogy would have been a lot better if that absurd and contrived plot point of Diana secretly being one of 47’s victims all along was removed. Seriously they totally ripped it off from MGS1 and from that Wolverine game. I just don’t like how Providence, 47 and Diana were retconned as being connected to each other like that. Makes the world feel smaller, you know? Also “I’m an orphan who wants to avenge my dead parents” is cliche af. Such contrived storytelling!