Yes or No...? 2

If you think you know the correct pronunciation of ‘Nutella’, then how do you pronounce what it’s made from? :grin:

  • Hazel-Nut
  • Hazel-Newt

0 voters

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Yes beard care, not shaving. I trim my beard, I don’t shave it. I expected you to know the difference.


Based on a conversation I heard 2 girls having back in middle school.

Nuttela on bread:
  • With Butter
  • Without Butter

0 voters

Edit: My God what have I started.

this thread has gone nuts

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I will never understand how anyone could have nutella with butter. Makes the nutella itself all oily and removes the taste of it all.



What about Nutella + Peanut Butter on toast? Kinda like a Reese’s Pieces. :hushed:

ETA: I’ve never had butter with Nutella, but it sounds interesting. Maybe I’m imagining it with salted butter. Unsalted butter? Why bother?

This is (supposed to be) a bit of a joke based on (from what I’ve heard) the correct pronunciation of


Nuh-tella is wrong. And it’s made from Hazelnuts… So might as well pronounce the word hazelnut as hazel-newt.

no flag plz :cry:

Trimming, technically, also shaving.
Because shaving is cutting hair.
Trimmer also cuts tiny pieces of hair to give it more aesthetic and desired form.
Different things, but have common basis

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syntactically, this kinda reads like a slow day in rorschach’s journal


Even worse. I don’t know why but adding butter with any spread doesn’t do it for me. There’s already enough taste for the spread to make a good sandwich, why add anything else?

Oh yeah. Maybe marshmallow cream?

I feel my waistline getting tighter already. :anguished:


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Opa that’s tempting. I’ve never even heard of this combo before but now I wanna try it. Although I do have a sweet tooth for things so it’s probably why I say this.

We all know the best combination is Nutella + straight off the spoon


I used to do that when I was younger, now I think it’s just too thick and oily, would make me sick :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

How the hell do you guys eat Nutella like that and not get hardcore diarrhea???

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This is getting out of control here


Let’s get back on track then, a proper yes/no that I think you’ll like

Will we get a Lucas Grey cameo in 7 Deadly Sins? (Either as a demonic handler or NPC)
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I hope we do, he’s become an interesting character, and seeing as this DLC is supposedly existing with the justification that it’s in 47’s head, it makes sense Grey would manifest somehow. Personally I’d rather as a demonic handler


He acted as a sort of guardian angel when 47 was fighting the neurotoxin. I think it would be a waste not to flip that around and make him a tempter


You know, that just made me curious about something.

If there was a dlc that allows you to to listen to Grey’s voice during missions instead of Diana’s, would you prefer his over hers?

  • Absolutely. I get tried of her sometimes.
  • Nah, Diana’s is the G.O.A.T.
  • Probably do a mix of both. (A fair answer but still a copout.)

0 voters

I love it when they are both there, like in Whittleton Creek. I think they are a cool duo and I would have loved to hear more of them together.


Get tired of Diana? Y’all just hate to see a demon girlboss winning :stuck_out_tongue: