Yes or No...? 2

Megadeth has precisely five (5) good songs, in descending order: 1) Trust, 2) Angry Again, 3) Go To Hell, 4) Symphony of Destruction, 5) A Tout Le Monde. The rest is shit.

As for Kanye, I like Gold Digger and Jesus Walks, that’s it.

How does one respond to such a foolish comment? Do I ignore you? Haha brush it off? Compose a treatise extolling Dave Mustaine’s compositional genius and long-lasting, deserved influence on the metal world, while acknowledging his personal and political shortcomings?

Ah, screw it. I’ll just post Tornado of Souls over on the music thread.

The best way to respond is to accept the inherent accuracy of the statement, and simply acknowledge it as being correct. As 47 himself said: “It’s the path of least resistance.”

I have no real emotional connection to the artists I hear. Often enough I only know a few songs of each. :smile:

I can only think of artists that I use to like but now I’m not as interested in as before, like Snoop Dogg. I don’t like most of his albums but I still enjoy the Doggystyle album from time to time. Or Amerikkka’s Most Wanted by Ice Cube. Also Jay-z.


A classic quote: Revenge is a dish best served cold. I like this but it has also been said that “success is the best revenge” and like this too. Then I heard that forgiveness can be softer revenge because you don’t lose yourself and possibly make the other person(s) remorseful. But hey, I also enjoy revenge hot fresh off the press then, there and now. So what’s your preference?

  • Cold :cold_face:
  • Hot :fire:
  • Success :trophy:
  • Forgiveness :pray:
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If I could select two, I’d pick both hot and forgiveness, because I don’t hold into grudges long. And once I’ve cooled down, Dennis the other person wronged me, if I knew they weren’t going to do so again, we’re actually regretful for what they did, and we can have a decent relationship moving forward, I’d forgive. But, when I’m in the state of anger and hatred for what someone has done, I want revenge dished out then and there, before I have time to cool down, and before they have time to move on and forget what they did and why I’m seeking vengeance against them. That’s something I’ve never understood about cold revenge: not only has enough time gone by that it shouldn’t matter anymore to you, enough time has gone by that it doesn’t matter anymore to them. By that point, they just see you as victimizing them, and they don’t understand anymore what they did that was so wrong.


Revenge serves no purpose other than to make the person taking revenge feel better.


Yeah, but not always true. It could to the benefit or detriment of others.

Are you looking on the keyboard while typing?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Yes for the most part. It’s somewhat embarrassing but I never learned to type properly in school, so I don’t really have the finger positions mapped out like they should be. I type pretty quickly though, I tend to win in that Jackbox Trivia Murder Party typing challenge.


You don’t need school for typing :slight_smile:
This forum or any messenger will pretty help :slight_smile:

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