Yes or No...? 2

Indifferent, but I don’t quite understand the hate that some people have for her. She makes pop music for teenage girls, how is that an offense to anyone? I think that I saw some people criticize her for flying a private jet to perform shows on her tour or something? People need to leave her alone lol


I chose ‘indifferent’. I don’t know any of her songs. Never searched for any of them to listen, so I can’t even say I know enough about her to dislike her. But she was definitely being put into the spotlight a bit too much when she was dating that Chiefs football player. Edit: Well, she might still be dating the guy. Don’t know… don’t care. :smile:

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On FB there are anniversaries for posts like statuses or pictures. One that came up a couple weeks ago was a picture of my cat when I brought her home after finding her where I work. That got me to thinking…

Of the pet or pets you have - how did they come into your life?

  • Found/picked up as a stray or was lost
  • Given to me or adopted from someone else
  • Adopted from a pet store/animal shelter
  • Bought from someone such as a breeder
  • “Inherited” or obtained from a relative or friend due to sickness or death
  • Other
  • I have no pets
0 voters
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I didn’t consider a pet being born/hatched from another pet you already have. :sweat_smile:

I got my cat from a friend’s sister when her cat had babies. My cat is red and my friend is a redhead, so i namend the cat after him: Henry.

My friend is called Henry but its pronounced french, the cat is Henry pronounced german.
Led to some confusion on what’s app

“hey Ochoa whaddya doin?”

“just petting Henry on the couch :)”

“… Okay”


Got Peach Pie from a shelter for bulldogs. Poor baby had been surrendered by her previous owner that had used her to breed puppies back to back until she was too used up and then ditched her. Had to have surgery on her eye before we adopted her, and we didn’t know at the time about her diseased spleen that we had removed last year. She’s in great health now, and living her best life with us, seemingly having forgotten her former life (other than being fearful of anything shaped like a fly swatter/spatula/tennis racket, which I’m certain her former owner had hit her with), but I’m certain that if she hadn’t been turned in, or if someone less caring had adopted her, she would be dead now because of her medical issues.


Pet store and animal shelter should be two different options. They are very different.

We got Shadow from a rescue org, after he was picked up off the streets.

Support your local animal rescues!


We got the birds from a local bird place that specializes in them. One (the African Grey) was a rescue but the Rainbow Lorikeet was just for sale. Of the two current dogs, one was a stray but the other was purchased from some family in the area. The fish mostly came from a local aquarium store but a few were mail ordered. At least two of the outdoor fish were won at the state fair. The tortoise actually belongs to a kid but we’re watching it until further notice.


Frankly I’m not qualified to take care of myself let alone another creature.


Unpopular opinion: most people with pets do not take care of their pets properly.


You make spicy my burrito babe!

  • Yes, I make spicy your burrito !!!
  • It’s Wednesday night, what’s wrong with you?
0 voters

spicy = heartburn. I only eat bland unspiced food.

Unless you were talking about something else - in which case it’s still Wednesday.


Which is the worst torture you can think of?

  • playing your 10 worst videogames
  • watching your 10 worst movies
  • watching your 10 worst tv shows
0 voters

At least with movies and tv shows I can shut my brain off and pretend to watch :grin:


It’s not torture if you just nap through it. :wink:


Definitely the tv shows, they last longer. Can’t imagine being forced to watch things like Sex and the City, Days of our Lives, anything that’s appeared on Cartoon Network since the original Teen Titans was cancelled, and so on.


10 worst video games. At least you have control over what you can do. Who says how long they have to be played?
10 worst shows… Shows last maybe 30 minutes and there are commercial breaks (right?)
10 worst movies… Averaging around 2 hours, no breaks. This seems closest to some level of purgatory and would take the longest to get through. And thus - the worst. imo.


I’m going with games. Some of the most agitating ones can have bugs, glitches and can crash, forcing you to start over and over again and possibly becoming a never-ending nightmare.


For movies and TV shows, you’re a passive observer. Neither requires any thought or action on your part. When I shipped out to the Army 30 years ago I sat in a room for 4 days watching whatever came on the recruiter TV (my flight had an issue and it took them four days to figure it out - I was told to just sit in a chair the entire time).

Games requires you to actively participate. I would much rather passively ignore something than be forced to actively participate in something I don’t want to do.


What do you think is happening regarding UFOs encountered by military personnel? I’m not referring to lights in the sky, I’m referring to the physics-defying, solid objects moving around in our aerospace that pilots have had near-collisions with on multiple occasions.

  • Alien visitors
  • Highly advanced experimental crafts unknown in origin
  • Natural phenomenon / balloons
  • Can’t eliminate any of the above options without more data
  • I don’t know, but definitely not aliens
0 voters