Year 4, The Undying returns (March 22 - April 21 2024)

After WEEKS of pain, retries, and mostly technical issues, it is finally here…

Or not really actually ^^’

Maybe i was overconfident, maybe i took care of this a little bit too late…

Time was running out and i still haven’t completed my playthrough…
The stress rises and the nerves are growing up…

Anyway i played the sh*t out of it until the last minute, but still wasn’t satisfied with the final result, just like what happened with The Politician Elusive Target back in the day. Sigh…

As a consequence of my late taking care of the target because of many reasons, the target is now appearing as missing on my main…

Better than failing i guess :confused:

Until next time Mr Faba, until next time…

Anyway The Undying won’t escape that easily…

Maybe i’ve “missed” the target on my main account, but there’s more :slight_smile:

This is actually my second best playthrough of The Undying 2024 Elusive Target, achieved on my second account (note the subtility in the nickname lol)

Consider this a second playthrough and mostly a prototype. Final version was about to be much refined than this one but eh, it is what it is…

Be sure that i’m far from done with Mark Faba. Looking forward to release a better version of the target in a near future :+1:

I hope that you’ll enjoy anyway. But wait, there’s more…

As The Undying makes his comeback in 2024 i’ve decided to re-release the whole pack of my Undying playthroughs since HITMAN 2, all remastered and available to watch on Youtube starting now:

(For Dailymotion users, sorry but i’ve tried my best with uploading but it didn’t work out on time. Will be uploaded at a later time.)

For those who have been paying attention lately there’s also a contest ongoing where you can take your chances for a FREE Undying pack DLC on Steam, check it out here:

This release also concludes The Season Of The Undying 2024 Community events. I hope that you appreciated it as much as i did.

Even if it was kinda cursed (damn, all the problems!) i’ve learned a lot from that experience and i’m looking forward for a reactivation and a definitive release of The Undying (2024) Silent Assassin playthrough on HITMAN: WoA.

Special thanks to IOI and Sean Bean for bringing that (prime) target into the game, good job!

It was the occasion for me to make some new and interesting content for that Elusive Target :+1:

Cheers to y’all and see you on the next event :sunglasses: