Year 3 - May Patch Notes

So let me get this straight. If I get spotted because of one of the many see through walls glitches that plague this game since freelancer was released (that weren’t even addresed in the patch notes, not even a “hey we’re working on it”) I’m fucked right?

No, thanks. I suggest making your game playable before doing such change.


I really appreciate the new challenge in “The Author” mission. If there will be another in the future in any mission, I would be glad for it (even without the item/suit ).


Yes, I’m so glad this is being brought back from HITMAN 2016. I wonder if the Fire Extinguisher of Mass Destruction is also back for the security camera box!


Alternate Function Four

When playing Freelancer, quitting the game through the menu or by the use of Alt+F4 on keyboard will result in a Mission Failed status upon restarting the game.

From what I read here and on Reddit, they only blocked Alt+F4; the exploit can still be used, just not by that specific method. The change will likely not affect actual crashes. So I think this is just a reminder that the exploit is not an intended behavior and is discouraged.


The inability to restart a mission without penalty when circumstances beyond our control disrupt our progress is not a requested function, and is discouraged.


The PS5 equivalent of Alt+F4 still works. lel.


Oh no, now the people who were so happy this exploit was patched will be sad again. :pensive:

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I’m reasonably sure that just killing the game in Task Manager/ disconnecting still works fine. (Same for when random crashes happen.)


On the rare occasion that I ever need to dump the game (I think i’ve used it during an elusive target more than during Freelancer), I’ve always just pulled the network rather than force quitting the game. It takes too long to restart it when the network option is so much quicker and easy.


Thank you for the patch, I love this game. long live HITMAN World of Assassination


“Yeah, I’m thinking it’s back.”


Same here, for reasons mentioned above.

Let’s hope that the feedbacks will be received :+1:

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Where are you getting seen through walls? Berlin?

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Also see-through floors and ceilings in Paris, Bangkok, and Ambrose Island, to name the ones I can remember.


To play devil’s advocate:
“Perfect Shooter” is supposed to penalize missing a shot. But if you hit a camera, you clearly didn’t “miss” did you? You were trying to shoot the item and you did!

Where this is way more useful is the “No Firearms” category, where shooting anything at all fails the objective.


What used to be broken?

The main place I get seen through walls consistently is in the Chawl in Mumbai, in the room with the Local Security Disguise. When the Freelancer Safe spawns in this room, an enforcer also spawns in this room. Subduing this enforcer can be seen through the walls by NPCs above and below you. Occasionally, you’ll get a target who is standing right outside this room. Distracting them into this room seems ideal, but the same issue occurs. Also, dead and unconscious bodies can be seen, even though no NPC should have any line of sight.

This seems to be because of the “windows” in the room (e.g., glass above the door). Regardless of the floor, ceiling, or walls directly in their way, NPC’s can see through the glass and therefore see illegal actions and bodies.


It quite jarringly snapped from one pose to the other, the looping was also off.

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Umm?? IOI?? Suit is still locked in Romania


What about Patient Zero and Berlin?