salvaging the columbia missions will be hard
Just add in the option to KO and hiding mechanics like WoA has. Problem solved. Maybe make the native tribe look a bit more accurate and less like Hollywood “ooga-booga” guys.
I was leaning towards a re-imagining. Keep the story and opportunities relatively the same but scrap and rebuild where its needed. After seeing Colombia in HITMAN 2 & Ambrose Island in III, I have really high hope for a great Remake of the classic jungle levels.
( I was reading this thread and thought of this cause of the previous conversion I don’t mean to be mean I just thought this was funny)
This is the most inaccurate thing you ever said on the forum
How do you figure? I said it was unlikely, not impossible; the fact that it turned out to indeed be released as DLC doesn’t mean the likelihood was any greater. Also, the Undying was released free to all players, and as I theorized in that same post, a new Arcade contract featuring the Undying was released. The fact that the Arcade portion was DLC means I was only half right, because both things turned out to be true.
Sorry I didn’t mean anything by it I just it was funny that you said probably not then it happened
Well, that is true, it certainly was a twist.