What was your last purchase? 2.0

Just some Amazon order woes:

In early, early June I bought a Charging Stand and a Head-strap mod for my PSVR2 headset and controllers from Amazon.
The site said they’d be arriving within the week. That very quickly was evident not to happen because both items got “delayed” due to very little reason given, but they’d ship them once they were able to.

Well, last week I got sick of waiting for nothing, so I called customer service, got them to file a ticket to get the packages queued up – and learned that apparently the pricing on one of them changed soon after I bought it, which caused some glitch in their system?? That’s sus and weird as heck, but hey, hopefully that would fix it within 48 hours.
I waited 5 days, actually, and still no progress.

So, I cancelled the charging stand since I found Best Buy was selling it for the exact same price.
And this was either pure coincidence, the support ticket getting processed, or the bug being fixed, but just a few minutes after I cancelled the item on Amazon, the other item in the order displayed as being prepped for shipment. Hooray? Should arrive tomorrow, finally, and I hope it improves my comfort using the VR headset

Anyway, I bought the charging stand at BB and it arrived in less than 24 hours, (eat it, Bezos!) so I can charge both PSVR2 controllers at the same time (they only last a day or two), and I also bought SW: Jedi Survivor for 40$ (50$ off!) which I hope to get to soon once I finish TLOU and Alan Wake 2.
It’s weird… I remember hearing quite a lot of hype for Survivor before the game came out, then it did and I just heard… nothing. I hope that means it was received well and wasn’t bad, because I didn’t hear any big news stories about outrage or disappointment in the game. Respawn did a great job with Fallen Order so I’d hope they can just improve and have the sequel be bigger and better than the first!


From most people I’ve talked to they said it has good gameplay and story but for PC players it was unenjoyable because it ran poor or would randomly crash. I had problems with it crashing a lot randomly. Though I haven’t played it since they did a few bug fixes so it might be more stable now.


A 30cm Statue of G-Organizer 1, aka Orga

Hasn’t arrived yet but should do so soon.

I’ve ordered the System Shock Remake on disc abd pre-ordered the re-release of SW Bounty Hunter, despite owning the game on gamecube and ps4. Why not.


Hmmm, this is one funky looking game case, doesn’t even specify the p̶l̶a̶t̶f̶o̶r̶m̶ (it’s for linux) nor the rating :grin:


It was terrible! It was delayed. The seats did not recline. The average customer smelled and was too large to comfortably fit in a normal chair. The crew was friendly but had given up long ago on telling people they needed headphones if they wanted to listen to anything so children’s games and a few of the adults music choices could be heard if you didn’t have your own headphones (thankfully I did). Nothing they sold to eat looked yummy.

Never again!


I think my worst flight experience was returning from California this past October. Spirit isn’t the cheapest way to travel and I’ll stand by that claim. It’s just upcharge central.


I don’t recall ever having attempted to recline an airline seat. I know they do recline, I just don’t ever bother to. I also usually sit in the farthest row in the back of the plane (on the left side, preferably) and I don’t think those seats recline anyway.

That’s funny bc I often don’t recline my seat either (unless it’s a lay flat), but the seats were so close together that I wanted to be able to. I guess I have been spoiled with Comfort Plus, Economy +, and whatever else the main carriers call the extra 3 inches of leg room.

Long time since I was here lol.
Any way, last week beer made me start my vinyl collection.


That’s a dangerous hobby. I started with a few… Now I have over 5000 records and still order about 20 more every month. But it’s fun!


Oh, I know…
I got more than a few on my wishlist at discogs, just happened to order some last weekend…
My primary now are Babymetal, stupid me should have bought first release when I had the chance, but… well :stuck_out_tongue:


Now I’m curious: do you keep all of those in your house (I’m guessing house and not apartment) or store them in multiple places? Cause that’s a lot!!


In my apartment. But planing on moving some to storage as I start to worry about the weight (although I had an expert over to confirm that this won’t be a problem).
Will post a picture when I get home :slight_smile:


Dang, must be a swanky place if you can fit 5k vinyls in there! Either that, or you are literally navigating a maze of vinyls when trying to move between rooms :grin:

Either way, that’s an impressive collection you got there. Looking forward to the pic!


There are some more records under the mixer

And yes: I know exactly where every record is and I listen to almost all of them a lot. Actually always listening to records while playing Hitman


Any of those happen to be Persian?

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The closest to Persian I have is Hamlet Minassian with “Armenian Pop Music”. Not really sure if this counts as Persian…

Edit: I also have a lot of records from the Habibi Funk label https://habibifunkrecords.bandcamp.com/


Most important question for @djsojus - how do you sort them? (Please note that anything other than Alphabetically by Artist and then Chronologically by Release Date will result in an ICA contract being put on your head.)


The correct answer would be autobiographically.
Kidding: First by genre. Then alphabetically by artist (second name, without “the”), then by release date. I’m no monster!

