What Videogame(s) Are You Playing?

Now you can go back and play Kiwami 2´s Majima Saga :wink:

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Been enjoying the hell out of Hades. I wasn’t sure I’d like the combat, but it has a certain fluidness that kind of reminds me of Returnal. (Maybe it’s the unreasonable amount of dashing I do in both games. :grin:) And the characters are excellent, which is good because I’m not all that great at the game (unless I get lucky with my build) so when I inevitably die in the stupidest possible way, at least I get to hang out with Cerberus and Skelly.

Though I have managed to get to the man himself a couple of times in the last few days. Got my ass kicked the first time, but somehow managed to take down a good chunk of his health with a crappy dashing Blade Rift setup today, so I figure it’s only a matter of time. :muscle: I hope.


Still playing Fallout 4. I’ve been playing the game completely vanilla this entire time, largely for the achievements, but I’m finally breaking down at level 54 and installing a survival quick save mod. It would seem that there is an issue specifically in survival mode where the game will freeze if you enter VATS just as a hunger/thirst/sleep notification pops up. It seems like it happens more often at higher levels, which is why it was never an issue until recently. After making several attempts to complete the Mechanist DLC questline, I had reached the end just before the final confrontation when the freeze bug happened again. That’s it, I’m installing the mod and taking a break for a few days. Losing an hour of playtime is frustrating the first couple of times it happens, at a certain point it’s really on you if you can prevent it from happening but refuse to do so. So alas my pure vanilla run ends here, I will no longer earn achievements but I will stop throwing away time to bugs.


Imagine playing a Bethesda game without at least using an unofficial patch mod

Usually these don’t disable earning achievements and if they do, there are mods that enable them back :stuck_out_tongue:

Here ya go


From what I was reading, the unofficial patch doesn’t solve the survival VATS bug. Though I’ve played with it in the past, I’m not installing it for this playthrough because I don’t want to have issues with my save years down the road if I reload it after uninstalling the game/mods. So I’m just nabbing quick save and maybe scrap everything.

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Would this be a fix for your issue?

I never played and probably will never play F4 to know of its issues.

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Looked into it, but I’ve read that it’s ineffective for a lot of people.

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It got recently updated after people said it stopped working so who knows, maybe it’s worth a shot :stuck_out_tongue:


Ya wanna know something a little annoying?

Re8VR: This mode is entirely standalone from the flat version.
You share no progress between the two modes, you can’t unlock trophies in VR, but the game is entirely identical to the main game, though with a few tweaked elements.

There are 20 Goat statues to destroy in the main game that let you unlock more weapons in the Shop as the story goes on.
Apparently they changed this a little in the VR version, adding 15 exclusive statues for a total of 35. This also lets you acquire a few special weapons earlier than the Flat Version, from what I’ve read.

And me, being a cool little gamer, and obsessed with exploring and finding every nook and cranny in an open-ended area, means I’ve done a great job and I’ve found nearly every Goat through the story.
Keyword: nearly.

Turns out I actually missed Two Goats during a boss battle/chase scene with the Big Fish man in the Reservoir.
And the worst part? This is one of the very few areas you’re not allowed to re-enter after you leave! :weary:

They saved the best, coolest, weirdest weapon unlock for all 35 goats: some sort of lightsaber.
And now I’ll be just two short of that unfortunately, and can only replay the game after (in VR only) if I wanna rectify that. Aww damn.
Welp, I’ve now been nervously following a guide for the Goats, since if I can’t get 35, then I’ll guarantee I’ll at least his the 33 Goat quota! :grin::sweat_smile:


I finished Yakuza 6. I love the dragon engine, honestly since playing Kiwami 2 which also uses it, and have been a bit hyped to get to Y6. Having all the stores actually be intergrated as part of the map just adds so much to me, I actually want to try out the minigames and side content when you can just easily walk into their respective venues, without having to sit through loading screens to enter and exit them. My completion list was 226 out of 285, with me completing the spearfishing, baseball management, Kiryu Clan (minus the Amon fights because they require serious grinding), and the bar. I think the only big thing I missed was the cabaret, but I’ve never been much of a fan of that in any Yakuza game. I find the whole thing… weird. Maybe it’s just a weird thing but having a woman essentially paid to be nice to you seems creepy and disingenous.

As for story, I’m honestly not sure what to say. I feel very lukewarm on it. Unlike 3, which I felt had problems that were obvious, 6 feels like it just has lots of smaller problems. It has a complicated plot with lots of characters at play, and it just never feels like those all fit together seamlessly. A lot of the characters I honestly don’t feel that attached to. Most of the antagonists are fine, but feel like they have better equivelants in other games, the only one that I think worked quite well was Hirose, even if it is a bit hilarious that an 80+ year old man is apparently at the level of John Wick.

I dunno, I didn’t hate it at least, although perhaps it helps having a very vague idea of the next 3 games in the series may help that, rather than playing this when it was the latest entry at the time. Probably doesn’t help that as someone who adored 5, it hurts a little bit to see the opening of 6 quickly clear up the aftermath of that and never touch on it again. The lack of existing characters definetly hits a bit as well, especially for the game after 0. I guess Daigo, Majima, and Saejima being gone is meant to help heighten how alone and threatened Kiryu is by the end, but considering this comes after 0, a game half of which is dedicated to Majima, does seem like an odd decision. Hilarious that baseball gets its own big side content and unless there is some line I missed, Shinada is never even referenced about it. We couldn’t even get to recruit him for the team as an easter egg or something? I managed to recruit Daigo for the Kiryu Clan. Shame that Tanimura has effectively been exiled from the series, how does Little Asia effect him, Homeland, and those characters from 4? I guess Tanimura is just exiled because the issues with the guy that uses his model and they recast in the remaster?

So yeah, 6, not my favourite. Story wise, higher than 3, but I would put 0, 1, 2, 4, and 5, all a lot higher than 3. If I had to attempt a story ranking: 3<6<2<1<4<0<5. I love 5 despite its obvious flaws and 0 really is a greatly tightnit story, great for anyone to start their Yakuza journey.

I should say as well that with these games there are a couple of video series I’ve been watching alongside them. Tehsnakerer has done video essays of the original 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, and currently up to 6, which are very in-depth and have some great insight. And on the more comedic side, Jahnhub has challenged himself to try and 100% complete the 9 mainline Yakuza games, Gaiden, and both Judgment games within 2024. He is currently trying to 100% Yakuza 5, god help him.


Finished Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. This game is incredible. Basically is the blueprint for what Metal gear Solid and the rest of teh series goes on in commentary, wacky things and fun gameplay.


Sweet, this finally means you have gotten to the turn-based/Perona-esque ones. I am actually really curious to see if you feel any different between the older Beat Em Ups and the newer RPG ones.

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Turn based RPG is far more my own wheel house, so I’d be surprised if I didn’t enjoy 7 or 8 more, I’ve never been much of a beat 'em up guy. I think Yakuza gameplay can be fun, probably because usually the difficulty is fair enough that you can get through the game on normal without really having to learn complex combos or movesets or the like. There’s legendary difficulty and the optional secret bosses for those who are invested in the gameplay. For me, it was for the story, and with each successive game, more and more about the side content. But I am quite eager to sink my teeth into 7’s systems and see how I find it.

I actually don’t own Gaiden and 8 yet, and there’s a bunch of games coming up on the horizon in September I am very interested in, so might take a small break after 7, we’ll see. I’d also like to do the Judgment games as well at some point, they seem like they would be interesting, but lets wrap up mainline first.

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Luckily the RPG ones still have both of those things.

I have never played them myself but from everything I have seen and heard it plays a lot like those Atlus Persona games. But I would like to reiterate I have never played any of the Persona games.

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Needless to say, if you yourself like turn based RPGs, I recommend Persona myself, although ofcourse I adore 3, 4, and 5. Saying that, I think they have interesting themes, and think at least from a story perspective you might enjoy them?

I usually don’t which is why I never played them for the longest time.

Yeah all of the Personas especially the more modern ones have been on the list for some time now. Just a matter of working my way to them eventually.

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Well if you ever decide to take the plunge into Persona and want some advice, feel free to shout.


Thanks, Silver! Same goes for any Like a Dragon and/or Infinite Wealth advice.


VR is how Thumper was meant to be played… :heart_eyes:

Even in this video there’s just no comparing to the depth-perception of seeing it in VR, being able to turn your head to see the track up ahead, or even things like grinding on walls right by your face, or seeing the Final Boss of each level be so freaking enormous.

(Also I may have gotten a little addicted to S-ranking each level)


Hell yeah