I’ve just recently finshed the opening 30-60mins of Far Cry 5, since @Silvereyes and I are planning on starting that for our next co-op game. (There’s a mandatory solo section before you unlock the open-world and co-op ability)
The opening is a cool, typical FPS intro where you walk slowly through a guided area and are confronted by the spooky cult that’s taking over the area.
Now, obviously 4 people showing up in the middle of Cult Town to take away the leader in the middle of a sermon definitely isn’t gonna go down that well.
And… yeah, you fail, get hunted, and your friends get kidnapped.
(Though I actually did the Secret Ending first and it’s funny how it seems to poke fun at – yeah, this definitely isn’t gonna go down in our favour, bye. Especially if you wait long enough The Father states “Just take your friends, and your guns, and walk away… Make the right choice here.” - Despite there being no gameplay indication of a button-prompt choice)
But what I really wanna talk about is the protagonist, or lack thereof.
You can choose a gender, pick clothes, facial features, but none of that matters because you’re not gonna speak. Ever. You are not important, this game is about everyone else interacting with you, this husk of a person, and not vice-versa.
It leads to some hilariously stupid scenes in the opening where after your helicopter crashes, your hand reaches for the comms headphones and… don’t say anything. (Not that it really matters because The Father–the villain-- replies for you and you discover that the Sargeant on the other end is in cahoots with him, but still! It’s goofy because you can’t speak.)
Or, after having your life saved, you’re talked at by your saviour who instructs you to start helping with a rebellion, to which you can’t reply or ask what his name is. It all works out because he tells you things anyway, but its just still so goofy.
That is true, but I’ll counter and say that you don’t often try to run away and re-enter stealth.
The only way that usually ever happens with us is because we kill all the enemies in the surrounding area, so there’s no one nearby to spot us. 
Yes to the first, no to the second.
Usually I just go full ADHD and start looting any body with an icon I can see, lmao. Regardless if it was my kill or not. (And regardless if I’m already stocked up on full ammo already or not.)
I mostly do it to get my hands on as many collectibles as possible (or sometimes a Duty Roster that highlights more guards if its on an Officer) even though, I never go read them.
I just like seeing numbers go up