Video Games Quotes Guessing Game

i can only thing of Eternal Darkness

Nope it is not.

ahh kos, or some say kosm

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im dreadfully uninventive so anyone else can take it

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“My Lady will be pleased after i bring her your Head!”

“It’s time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. and I’m all out of gum.”

duke nukem 3d

20 char

Bloodborne :wink:

Edit: Oh Jesus that was a late reply :joy:

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btw can you tell me how you make that icon appear in your reply?

Alright here’s a harder one

“Man, what these game developers won’t do for a buck, well at least it’s educational”

At the bottom right of each post there’s a little reply arrow, just click that (mind you it doesn’t always work)

yeah that’s exactly what it do and it works maybe 5% of the time

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aight postal 2? if not then idk(mine is: “its the end of the world, all over again”)

It only appears if the comment you’re replying to isn’t directly above your comment.

…where the heck are we in this thread? I dunno what’s been solved and what hasn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Psst chicken.



Oopsie. Forgot about that guy. Also I totally didn’t look at any of those dates. Only realized it was a month ago once I’d got all caught up.
Welp, maybe that random detail will be helpful to someone else. :confused:

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I picked a voice line at random “words cannot express how much I HATE France right now” then again no one has posted here for 2 years so I think no one will notice this let alone answer it

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