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Death Stranding is an acquired taste. As a piece of cinema (I say this given Kojima and how he tackles these projects of his) it’s captivating and you want more, but in terms of gameplay it doesn’t click until you invest a few hours into it.

Chances are for everyone and anyone who hasn’t jumped in for the first game, the second one won’t be that much different. That’s not necessarily a bad thing either since I prefer games with visions that remain intact and not compromised by modern trade practices and gimmicks meant to nickel and dime players for something as simple as cosmetics or features.

Game looks good.


I guess i should post this here as well


This looks great


It really does. And, in my opinion, just what the franchise needs at this point. New location, new lore, samey but fresh vibe. Choosing Japan as the backdrop is such a good call.

Very sad we didn’t get to see any gameplay, but, judging from the talking points and the trailer shown here, I can’t wait to explore Ebisugaoka and experience all its beauty and horror within. :crossed_fingers:

Also wonder if The Short Message and f is somehow connected.


I just want a new Castlevania Game. Or a Remake of Lords of Shadow.


Yeah, because that’s worked so well anytime a series does that. All this series needs is an honest-to-God new game, as it hasn’t had a real new entry since Downpour.

So, not Silent Hill. Got it.

No idea whose bone-headed decision this was. The only reason other entries in the series were able to get away with not taking place in Silent Hill were because of the lore ties to it, justifying the location change. Take away both things, and you just have some horror game with a Silent Hill aesthetic.

You’re welcome to shoot it down before knowing anything about it or having played it. I’m looking forward to this fresh take. The aesthetic is really cool to me.

About it not taking place in Silent Hill, does it really matter? At this point we should probably see the title as a branding thing. I wouldn’t mind if it has no connections to the old games. I don’t personally think this will be the case though.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t the lore been set up in a way that the phenomena of Silent Hill could take place practically anywhere?
Maybe there’s more places on earth with that strong spiritual significance/warbling reality/occult force field energy? And it’s safe to assume there will always be people with trauma drawn to these areas. I’ve only played 2, 3, 4 and TSM so I may be wrong. I’ve dabbled with the others but not to an extent that I remember anything from them.

I understand you may think that is all stupid but wouldn’t the alternative be yet another game with the same location and premise? Isn’t Silent Hill f the “honest-to-god new game” that you want?


You just told me something about it. The only thing I need to know, really.

Yes, for reasons that I already mentioned before, and will discuss more on below.

That defeats the whole purpose. The series is named Silent Hill because it takes place in, and/or is about, Silent Hill.

Then it’s not Silent Hill. Why give it that name and pass it off as part of the series? Just be a whole new game, a whole new IP with its own future franchise prospects, don’t try to incorporate it into an existing IP as a marketing gimmick.

Yes, but all tying back to Silent Hill and what happened there. The idea is that it is the nucleus of the phenomenon.

Not really. The whole implication behind the series is that this is the only area where supernatural energies can be harvested and/or magnified to manifest physically, insofar as anything ever “physically” happens in the games. Every entry, people are surprised at supernatural occurrences taking place. The idea is that three different sources of paranormal phenomena are working in tandem to cause Silent Hill to be what it is. This is treated as new and unique, like it happens no where else, and has never happened anywhere else. Anytime it goes anywhere else, it is all because somebody living in that new place has ties to Silent Hill, and the power of the town reaches out to them and corrupts the place where they are.

Yes, exactly. That’s the point; I want to go back to Silent Hill. There hasn’t been a true sequel since Downpour, and Downpour changed things enough to be its own unique entry that we haven’t had a familiar sequel since Homecoming. It’s time for a classic-style revisit, once again.

No, because if it is both A) not in Silent Hill, and B) not connected to Silent Hill, or the lore behind it, then it really has nothing at all to do with Silent Hill. It’s just a horror game with another game’s title put on it in an effort to sell better.


Sometimes, as fans, we don’t get to dictate where a franchise goes. It’s a shame you don’t care for the future of it. If you want original SH, I highly recommend the recent remake. It’s absolute perfection in my opinion.

I would also recommend The Short Message, but I don’t think you’ll like it since it takes place in Germany. It’s a free 2-3 hour walking sim experience. It is a bit hindered by its short length and lack of actual gameplay. It’s also very spelled out to the point it gets annoying. But the actual story and themes are really good and very on brand for Silent Hill (despite it taking place in a town called Kettenstadt!)

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The setting is Ebisugaoka. Gaoka means"hill", and while Ebisu is not “silent”, I would assume that there will be some reason making the name Silent Hill work in the context of the game, even if it is not the American town of Silent Hill (and maybe there will be some connection with the town - nobody knows yet).

Seriously man, save your bitching for when the game is actually out…


When the first presentation is disappointing, there’s no need to wait.

You probably don’t care but try listening to what the writer says here. The SH brand is more about themes than it is about the titular town. “It’s a gateway into the psychological battles of the human mind.”

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That’s what they’re making it now, that wasn’t how it was. Yes, the themes they wanted to explore were the focus, but the town of Silent Hill being the setting/source of it was always the framing device. And again, why make it part of the Silent Hill series if you’re just going to make it based on a theme? Make it its own series. Unless there ends up being some direct connection to the rest of the series, which at this time there is no indication of, this game will be a Silent Hill game in the same way Troll 2 was a sequel to Troll.