Upcoming Video Games

A guide to which Paradox Games are most like the life stages in Spore
Massacring innocents but with sharp sticks (Tribal) - Crusader Kings
Massacring innocents but with guns (Society) - Hearts of Iron
Massacring innocents but with lasers (Space) - Stellaris


I will be honest : I donā€™t like the style. Too ā€œrealisticā€, and uncanny valley. It was a large part of the charm for the sims (2 in my case), and it feels wrong here somehow.

Paradox also published Obsidianā€™s Tyranny, which is an automatic plus.


In the eternal wait for Persona 6 to be unveiled, weā€™ve got a new spinoff announced: Persona 5: The Phantom X. Bad news, itā€™s a mobile title being made by a Chinese developer, and currently no announcement of it coming to the West so far.

Still though, it does look like time and effort has been put into it, it looks like Atlus has put in some help with the project with the character designs all looking as good as P5, and it has been confirmed the game is going to get new music with singer Lyn, who did P5ā€™s most iconic tracks.

But also it is obvious the game reuses alot of assets from P5. New protagonist, codename ā€œWonderā€, looks a bit similar to Joker, probably so they can reuse his walk animations. And weā€™ve got an animal mascot character like Morgana, probably so they can also turn into a vehicle for trips into Mementos.

Still, some interesting stuff in terms of story and lore. Persona spin offs tend to focus on the cast of the Persona game they are spinning off from, not creating a whole new crew of characters. The only time this has happened previously was the forgotten Trinity Soul anime. Igor is back which is cool, the rumour was he was to be retired as his Japanese VA died before the launch of P5. New Velvet Room assistant who doesnā€™t have the yellow eyes like the others, perhaps meaning she isnā€™t one of their siblings? Iā€™m sure the new cast, especially the new girls, will get their fans too.

The big question is how the game is monetized, whether there will be any gacha elements etc. All we can hope is that itā€™s not too intrusive, and that this reaches the West eventually.

Link to a video with both trailers with English subtitles.


P5X has entered its open beta in China and already the game is getting data mined to hell and back, revealing artwork, some of the other party members, and a bigger clue as to the gameā€™s probable Gacha mechanic with a card and rare card of the original Phantom Thieves.

The big win from this is revealing 3 new tracks sung by the iconic P5 singer Lyn, which Iā€™ll link here. (Thought this thread is more appropriate than the Music thread.) So hey, at least something good can come out of this if indeed P5X does turn out to be a microtransaction nightmare.


Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is coming out July 12, 2023 on Switch, PS4/5, Steam and, uh, Netflix :eyes:


With this, Telltaleā€™s return with the Expanse, and that Musical choice RPG game, Iā€™m gonna have such a fun summer with narrative based games :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Oxenfree 2 Pre-orders are at 25% off the full price! WTF COOL


Yea but all we really want is Wolf Among Us 2 rightā€¦. Right?!?!?


This isā€¦ freakyā€¦

It doesnā€™t seem to say its a VR game, just an FPS. But if thats how the player moves and aimsā€¦ whaaa?? This would be really bending the rules of a typical FPS control scheme.

The fact that its a narrative/story-focused experience is an interesting twist, though man that subject matter is just, yeah, freaky given how the game presents itself.


Yeah, they really nailed the body cam feel. Also the face censor reminds me of the effects from Kane and Lynch 2 :grin:


Trust me when I say this, youā€™ll only be moving like that if you really wanna. Meanwhile youā€™ll be seeing someone doing Gun Fu or throwing their weapons in the air to catch them. Definitely a wait til the game is out situation.


Hope this turns out decent


Gameplay trailer for The Talos Principle II. :smiley:


Stunning! The first game was already Portal light, this one seems to be a full grown competitior. Still wonder how they plan to keep the plot fresh.


Literally the only Xbox game that interests me.


Just finished the first one, so pumped i saw this! :heart:


Citizen Sleeper is getting a sequel.

I was this close :pinching_hand: to buying the first game the other day, but I have so many RPGs in my backlog. :weary:


I saw Avatar once, havenā€™t seen the sequel, and would be the first to decry Ubisoft open world bullshitā€¦. But this upcoming Avatar game looks kinda very cool to me. Just moving around the beautiful colorful world looks sweet.

Donā€™t worry Ubisoft, thereā€™s still plenty of time to prove me wrong and revert to your old ways.


I feel you there, with the Ubisoft part, but just days ago I watched both movies (the second one for the first time) on Disney+, and now the idea of roaming in this world is extremely exciting.

What surprised me tho was that they had actual James Cameron talking about the game.


As someone who has always wanted to play Forza Horizon but isnā€™t willing to buy an Xbox just to play it I have to say I am loving the idea of this.