Upcoming Movies Thread

Well of course he’s hungry. No one stands between Galactus and his meal!

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That’s not true, people do all the time. Unless it’s earth, they usually fail.

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The Thing is weird. (Don’t worry he is used to hearing that) For some reason I like the practical effects used on Chiklis and the voice sounds wrong.

Overall it just looks like mid.

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I truly don’t understand why people had a problem with Chiklis’s Thing. In fact, the first two FF movies aren’t as bad as people remember them. Dr. Doom sucked (a cardinal sin), Galactus sucked (the other cardinal sin) and the story wasn’t structure well, but the main four characters, their dysfunctional family dynamic, the humor and the stakes were all spot-on. In the pre-MCU era, while it didn’t rank up to Spider-Man, X-Men or Blade, it certainly wasn’t DareDevil, Elektra or Ghost Rider.

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They look weird


Waitwaitwait… no Antonio Banderas?? Why? Where?

Also yeah they changed the art style on them a bit. Fiona looks particularly different here. Shrek looks… softer? Has more rounded features I think.
Yeah, looks weird. Here’s hoping more than just a teaser will give us a better look at it. Dreamworks has been on a roll lately with some stellar-looking animated movies.

And god… not Phone jokes using the Magic Mirror, nooo…!


So the side plot of this movie is a villager travelling to the real world and falling in love with an annoying school teacher?


Sure, it smacks of the same creative apathy that infects everything I have seen about this film.


Ohh gosh… :sweat_smile:

Man, there’s just… something really wrong and too weird with them choosing to make a movie with a stylized animated Minecraft world, then putting real world actors in it (in front of green screens and with CGI)
Jack Black slapping those wings on the character’s backs just looked… strange…

They’re so close to achieving a good, clear creative vision, just… why actual human beings?? :sob:

Lol I just want the No-VFX cut!! Gimme actors play-miming putting blocks together or diving off a cliff lmao.
Either that, or they should have focused more on making it a practical physical film. Like, the scene with the life-like blocky sword and the loot room looks pretty good – everything else looks too artificial.


I think I remember them saying in a interview a while back something about doing it to be more unique then most Minecraft fan films but like 90% of the Minecraft fan moves I’ve seen were also real people and actually look semi alright unlike this one

at least were finally getting a LEGO woodland mansion set I guess


What does that say about those fan films iof being more unique than they still results in a film as generic as this?

Yeah well you don’t speak corporate so I will translate: “By using real life actors we can exploit their marketability and we can animate even less to save more.”

Also I don’t like how they are calling it A Minecraft Movie. The singular non-definitive article fills me with dread.


I think they might’ve called it that because someone stole the domain name like 2 weeks before the film was announced but yours is probably more likely

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That would be hilarious if that was the case.

What are next?


I know it isn’t a movie but fuck it, I need somewhere to vent and this is the best place.

So here is a good question. Give this image a squiz (a casual look) and tell me if you can tell what this show is about…

Can you guess? Take your time, it is alright.

Give up? This is supposed to be a fucking Green Lantern show. That is supposed to be John Stewart and Hal Jordan. They are supposed to be space cops but it looks like they broke down five Ks from Fresno and are walking it into town.

Like, if you don’t have the budget to a show about space cops and you are too much of a pussy to bank on animation then why do this?

In fact budget should even be an excuse. If Doctor Who can have more or less the same general premise as a typical Green Lantern story but also capture its size and scope of their universe then why can’t Warner?


I saw someone post this image in a discord server like an hour ago and if I didn’t see you say that I would never have noticed that’s what it’s from

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Of course you couldn’t. The only indication is you can (barely) see the ring on Hal’s hand.

Oh and they probably picked John and Hal to cut animation costs. Gotta use the two Lanterns pigeon-holed as the uncreative ones to make sure they never generate anything too complex regularly.

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I’ve been checked out of the MCU for a while but this trailer is fire, hope the movie’s good.