A lot of Will Ferrell movies. For ex. Anchorman 2, Get Hard. (Hilarious movies btw)
Ofcourse this comes down to taste, but a lot of people feel offended by everything these days. It’s a shame.
Oh I agree, don’t get me wrong here. The issue is that people misinterpret certain jokes or simply can’t face a relatable fact in the form of a joke since it’s too confronting. When someone jokes about stereotypes of my race, I can’t help but crack a smile. Ofcourse it depends on you as a person how much you like a joke. The problem is mainly that most people’s acceptable-jokes zone is shrinking drastically because of influences from toxic communities and mainstream media. (Starting to sound like a conspiracy, I know lel).
In conclusion: our lines have moved and are easier to be crossed these days
Ooh, I like both films almost equally, but I’d probably just give it to Goodfellas. Think Casino could use 5 minutes chopped off the last hour. Then again, I also love The Irishman despite its huge length and it never dragged for me.
i had no idea that anchorman was so controversial… except in that it was a bland rehash of the superior first movie, of course.
often, if we take a dive beyond the headlines and hot-takes, a lot of those stories (not all, by any means) tend to be cynically overblown by whoever is writing the story.
i’ll put this here to save shitting up the thread
the internet, especially social media, is an outrage economy. we demonstrably engage more when we’re angry. this has shaped the way stories are told and shared, and gives the impression that more people than ever are ‘offended’ or ‘sensitive’.
i’d argue they’re not; that every one of these narratives has been playing out since media was first established, it’s just the internet has amplified everything (including voices that have been unable to be heard before), from both the genuinely concerned and the overblown, and it becomes difficult for us to parse between them from the ground, especially when the frequency of the latter (overblown) is always undermining the legitimacy of the former (genuine).
this narrative of sensitivity is picked up and spread by bad faith actors and grifters, and they use it to push their own agendas.
look at the dr seuss controversy recently. if we’d just read the headlines, we’d think that the cultural identity marxist cabal had banned cherished and innocent childhood books because political correctness had gone mad…
…when the truth was dr seuss’ estate stopped printing a few unpopular books because they were uncomfortable with some of the imagery.
which leads nicely to my unpopular opinion:
i include myself here, but we’re all very easily manipulated - more so than we care to admit. we rarely see the bigger picture and simply glom onto stories that fit our preexisting world view. worse still: the smarter we think we are, the more malleable we turn out to be.