Unpopular Opinions About Other Games/Series

thank you, obi wan kenobi. :smile:

i found him really obnoxious and lacking a decent motivation (cared more about fuckin’ claude :smile:).

i think it was partly down to the awful vocal performance and partly the houser’s first real (and very ropey) attempt at writing a player character.

…and say what you want about trevor, but at least he was ‘funny’ and scary (and even kind of vulnerable?) as was needed.

yeeeeeah, i’m perhaps expecting a wittle bit too much from gta protagonists. :smile:

in contrast to gta - gta, ferrchristsakeswhatwrongwithme - the gameplay is all i really care about here. tom clancy stories are exotic location names, military/political adjectives and jingoism.

i normally only ghost these sorts of games, but i liked that it also rewarded a couple of different, more violent playstyles. stealth games are a particular brand of power fantasy, and i find the ghost style’s is enhanced by having to resist the temptation to murderise everyone (like dishonored).

also also: grimsdottier’s (spelling?) missions are some of the series’ best. :man_shrugging:t4:

given how few people have played it, technically yes. :wink:


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Streetfighter ll > old MK Games
New MK Games > new Streetfighter Games.

The old MK Games definitely suffer from ‘Arcade Illness’, the AI reads all of your inputs and basically fucks you up before you can even throw your fireball. Being good at MK2 boils down to knowing how to abuse the AI and that sucks.

But if you have a Human opponent i think they are a lot of fun.


not when max payne 3 exists, bubba. :wink:

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Only if you flood the thread with very short lines. Consolidate it into a single post or it looks like you’re trolling and trying to get a rise out of people


Didn’t mean to sound patronising or anything, just that it’s not necessarily an unpopular opinion regarding GTA games, at least among a certain portion of the fans :grin:

Interesting… I still like him the most probably, a lot precisely because of the performance.

I won’t pass judgement on Trevor until I actually play the game myself, but from what I’ve seen in walkthroughs, there’s more to him than meets the eye. Although he seems mostly annoying…

SC is one of those series where I care both for the gameplay and story (I enjoy a political thriller, Clanceyesque or not), but also for the characters (namely Sam, Lambert, and Grim), which is where Conviction fucked up royally in my book and Blacklist continues with it. But at least Blacklist compensates with fun gameplay… (Have to pretend it’s a parallel universe though…)

Yeah, no argument there. The accommodation of different playstyles was a great addition, and Grimsdottir’s missions were pure stealth pleasure (whereas Charlie’s were absolute trash).

But surely those few people who played it loved it :joy:

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That said we would prefer if users stuck to editing their original post, instead of creating multiple in a row.


it played like an absolute dream though. multiplayer was ace too.

glad they went the revisionist route rather than try and emulate sam lake. they would’ve failed spectacularly. max payne 1 & 2 are my all-time favs (along with hitman and hotline miami) and, barring some issues with the story and how they handle bullet-time meter recoup, it’s a very fine game indeed.

speaking of “boring cynical slogs of extreme pornographic violence and hardcore misogyny”, how’s the new cyberpunk 2077 patch…?


oh, i didn’t take it that way. this bit:

sounds like obi-wan in roj, i think?

certainly can be. he’s quite… an acquired taste. a bit of a dig at the players in some ways.

i can’t remember them. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

i mean, yeah, i… just… uh


i get that reference.

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You clearly never played Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis.


Ahh, ok. I’m not a SW fan, so that one flew completely by me… :grin:

Indeed, they are best left forgotten :expressionless:

Regarding MP3, the only thing I genuinely hated about it (aside from Social Club) was the abundance of cutscenes over gameplay. It seemed like you had one after every room of baddies you cleared… Even Kojima lets you play more! :laughing:

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you’re going to go with “my problematic media is less problematic than yours”…? :rofl:


this can’t be argued. the fact that some were completely unskippable was ludicrous.


Being less hateful towards women is sadly a notable feature in video games .

I dunno, i think ‘my chosen media is problematic but at least it’s not as problematic as yours’ is a bit of a weird hill to occupy, especially when both games have many additional issues besides their misogyny.

as an argument it seems to imply some scoreable/measureable meteric when the fact is they’re both rank with misogyny.

dude, it’s a game that pretty much uses dead and/or naked women as set decoration. every illegal ripper doc. every billboard.

evelyn isn’t even a great example of a female character being treated well or sensitively either.

evelyn’s a walking noir-trope; basically a femme fatale which stems from very, very old archetypes that embody (unfounded) adolescent male fears of sex, the rejection of motherhood, and the (supposed) duplicitous ‘nature’ of sexualised women.

they don’t even try to undermine any of that: we first meet her in a strip club while we’re get a virtual lap dance. she’s all cool and in control until we get to ride her memories where we find she’s scared of a big dude (who is, to be fair, fucking horrifying), referred to as “fuckable meat”, and then uses sex to betray another man. she then tries to tempt you into betraying yet another guy. next we see her, she’s all battered up. time after that, she’s dead.

don’t get me wrong, i’m making zero excuses for how the entire max payne trilogy treats women (bottom-line: it’s fucked up and i find it troubling), but giving cyberpunk credence because a couple of the bigger characters are handled well or “as well as could be” (and, let’s be fair, because you like it) while simultaneously calling out misogyny in max payne (that you don’t seem to like for additional reasons - possibly r* related? - on top of its gross misogyny) seems like a bit of a double standard from where i’m sitting… or am i being crazy?

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My only problem with Max Payne 3 is that for me it felt short even though there’s 14? chapters. I actually replayed it again as soon as I finished it, only other game I did this was Darkness 2 (I fully recommend it). Guess it felt like this because of the huge number of cutscenes but I didn’t mind them.

I rarely skip in video games (good ones at least) which reminds me, was R*, a gaming company that puts a lot of time, effort, resources etc. into their in-game cutscenes, high or drunk or something when they came up with the statistic screen in TBoGT, GTA5 and RDR2 that forces the player to skip cutscenes to get the best mission time?! That’s the dumbest thing a developer can do, it’s pretty much spitting in the face of everyone involved in making those cutscenes :roll_eyes:


i’m just saying that’s a massive understatement is all. it’s ‘not perfect’ makes it sound like, i dunno, it’s a little scuffed or something.

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It’s short, but it’s undeniable Max Payne and the R.A.G.E engine work really well together and has one of the most fluent and satisfying combat systems compared to the grounded sluggish nature that Red Dead has. I can’t compare it to GTA cause I just think it’s combat has always been weird and I never really enjoy it due to it feeling overly simplified.

I like Red Dead’s Combat for it feeling weighty and sluggish, to me this works given the setting and world where you aren’t running wild with fully auto shotguns like in GTA.

I like Max Payne 3’s Combat because it’s more Arcady and precision focused which works really well with the engine it’s using.


for every well rounded female character (of which there are a couple) there are a hundred naked dead women decorating a scuzzy apartment.

my one minor issue with the gameplay is how the bullet-time meter fills. max payne 2’s bullet-time system wanted you to stay in it and dance around like a bullet-spraying nightmare, whereas 3 has a more staccato rhythm where you dance between cover, take a breath and go again. it was especially noticeable in the higher difficulties when the meter filled very slowly.

i liked it a lot, but it was a step back from 2’s system.


I have a lot, here goes.

Persona 4 is the worst in the series and Persona 1 is the second best entry.

Wind Waker isn’t fun and the best gameplay it has is the sailing.

Dragon Quest 11 is one of the worst games in the series and Dragon Quest 6 is one of the best.

Yooka Laylee is better than Banjo Kazooie but Banjo Tooie is the best of the three.

Mario 3D World is the best Mario game.

Spyro 2 is worse than Spyro 1.

The Gamecube isn’t that good except for its best game by far F-Zero GX.

Star Fox Zero is the second best Star Fox game.

Civilization Revolution is the best Civilization game.

That´s a good point. Completely forgot how I tended to play the game more as a classic cover shooter in a lot of moments, rather than going for the “proper” MP style gameplay (and yes, 2´s bullet time system was the best).

Anywhos, just bumped into this video and it gave me the urge to replay MP3 as soon as possible, just to appreciate those details more/again.

PS: Can we take a moment to appreciate what a fantastic soundtrack this game has?


why yes. yes we can: