Trinity Pack Hitman 3

I wouldn’t recommend holding your breath for the Black Winter Suit and the H1 ET coins. Travis said over a year ago that he wanted to see all H1 and H2 unlocks available within H3/WoA - but made a point to say the statement excluded these items. Maybe things have changed since then, maybe not. But afaik its the last statement on whether they would be made available.


Yeah, everyone who missed out on those are SOL.

The only thing I don’t have is the Trinity Pack. Until August. :joy:


The Trinity Pack DLC got a trailer.


Haha I love Miami with all the guards checking out 47 in his ostentatious crimson red.

I do wish these trailers and introduction videos would stop showing targets in places where they never are. Caruso is never just standing at the end of that dock asking to get shot in the back of the head. Did the same thing with the S6; Stubbs is never alone in his hotel room. I’m sure there are numerous other offenses of this sort that I’ve not made note of over the years, but it’s annoying.


Personally I like when they do it :slightly_smiling_face:


It doesn’t have to reflect the mission, these guys are humans and can go anywhere they want to go realistically, and these trailers having them in different places allows for more interesting scenes


TS6 is definitely the most egregious, in part because 47 is featured, the implication that the player will see that same routine, which simply isn’t true.

I’m not really unhappy with the 2016 target briefings being “misleading”, partially due to the different artstyles, and partially because it’s usually denoted as “stuff the ICA dug up as intel”.

I’m fine with lore and set-up, but the moment it looks like gameplay footage/ something 47 (and hence, the player) may see, I’m gonna ask questions. Patrick Morgans’ briefing is also very guilty of this.

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But it shows things that don’t appear in the actual gameplay. It’s false advertising. There’s nothing “interesting” at all about seeing targets in places where they’ll never actually be with 47 preparing to make a move. It might be interesting if it were true and IO were giving us clues as to how we might choose to go about the mission, but since that’s not the case, it’s meaningless, and a waste of animation time and resources.

Don’t underestimate the lengths some people might go through to tell that bald guy he really should stop waving his gun around.

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I wished early on that the target and objective images in the menus took a candid/file photo approach. Closest one was Ken Morgan’s H1 image that tipped off the dish he ate from first.

But the briefings grew more and more flashy, and contract mode NPC images were just in voids, so I relaxed on the idea.