In the “End of an Era” mission, it doesn’t make a difference whether 47 “resists” in the experiment Hush is conducting. Even if you don’t press Y, 47’s innate resilience is enough to kill the guy. That’s pretty badass.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a way to make Hush “win”, maybe by getting him relaxed enough. Going to experiment a bit with that.
Disagree. At first I thought there would be an alternative opportunity if you make him “win”, because this what happens in the similar Initiate mission story on Isle of Sgail. It would have been cool if he, being overwhelmed with the success, would isolate himself in the therapy room to celebrate or something.
I tried this. I made a drink, and used the washroom, and then waited at least 5 min and he didn’t bleed out. I thought it would have been cool if there was some way for him either bleed out or it eventually 47 would tell Diana “why don’t you finish him off.” I also didn’t know till like the third time playing it that there’s a prompt button for 47 to use the letter opener already stuck in him. I just shot him the first two times.
I tried shooting Yates a few times before the encounter with Diana so he was on low health. I thought maybe her stab would do a little damage, enough to kill him if he was already hurt (same way the muffin/apple kills work). But the stab still didn’t kill him, so I think it doesn’t do any damage and you always have to finish him off
I thought I was having déja vu, when I unlocked tactical turtleneck, and it didn’t have the watch. I replayed Final Test, and he didn’t have them. But then I looked at wiki…
So, why he doesn’t have them anymore?
I guess Serena was her original name and someone messed up when making this.
Suddenly gives me less hope that there is a meaning to why Orlando and Renzo Caruso are in the data as well though… Maybe it isn’t the teaser of what’s to come like some people theorized.
Don’t know if somebody already mentioned these, but I’ve noticed a few things in Mendoza.
You can trigger the tour without KO’ing any of the NPC’s. Just talk to Black and give Vargas the grapes.
If you KO Black and Vargas—Vargas can be easily KO’d by KO’ing a worker with the water pump distraction, giving him the grapes, and then distracting Vargas with the pump—you can disguise as Vargas and still do the tour. It will just be you, Diana, and Vidal.
Diana only drinks from the glass at the end of the tour if you blend in there as well.
Doing a coin toss in Yates’ villa by the balcony when he and Valentina are on it will trigger Valentina to investigate. From there, Yates is all yours. You could do poison, chandelier, axe, anything.
Good catch, according to the wiki she is also called that in a piece of intel somewhere (we really need a thread on all intel pieces/triggers in the full trilogy but it’s a lot of work). I think I might prefer Serena, maybe just because I’ve heard Sophia so much, but Serena is also more unique.
Don’t think so. For me, listening to Vargas’s phone call without going near Black while he’s standing with Cortazar triggered all 3 guests to come down for the tour themselves.
I don’t think there is a way to get Vargas to start the tour himself though, you need to give him the grapes which requires a disguise.
Nice! I didn’t realize. I spent too long on my first play through trying to give the worker his lost picking knife and eventually gave up on doing it any way besides with the disguise. Good to know.