Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

Sorry if it’s been covered, but IGN just posted about a Goat Simulator DLC that would implement Hitman (but wasn’t released)



After playing it more I’d actually say that Hantu Port’s the best of the Sniper Assassin missions. The sunset aesthetic, targets related to Khandanyang, fairly easy to figure out hiding spaces, Jin Noo rushing to straight up murder the hostage instead of running away like the other sniper targets, moving a cargo crate to drop on the targets, the shameless reuse of Whittleton Creek assets in the briefing, it all comes together to make a great mission. I guess it makes sense that they would save the better Sniper missions to sell as DLC, but it might just be that their level design improved in the time between developing Himmelstein and developing the other two maps.

What I also found out, now that I’ve got all three Sniper Assassin missions up to Mastery 20, is that the grind isn’t that bad. It seemed a whole lot worse when I first played Himmelstein and Siberia back in 2021. I guess grinding Freelancer up to 100% makes other grinds feel like child’s play. Though the total XP needed could still be cut in half for the sniper missions without much lost.


You’re welcome! That feature was the entire inspiration when I originally created that contract. I picked the 5 NPCs as targets that say “yes” to doing drugs when you ask them as the Dealer.

I love 47’s deadpan lines when he asks NPCs if they want drugs. “You want to get stoned? Like me?” “Do you like drugs? I got some.”

You can also ask other NPCs if they want drugs, but they’ll actually say no. The moral lesson is clear: don’t do drugs, or you might be assassinated by a genetically engineered contract killer. They never taught that one in D.A.R.E.!


Maybe not the D.A.R.E. you participated in… the early 80s were crazy!


You can legally carry sniper rifles as a Security guard on The Icon! I never knew this cause in the main mission Dino Bosco’s “bulletproof” and there’s no Sniper Assassin challenge, but I found this out while playing the “Eggcellent Movie” contract from last year’s Easter batch!


Hah, that’s a great find!

So folks what’s the ongoing list of places where it’s legal to carry a sniper as a guard?

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Colorado, the Pointman appears to be able to carry sniper rifles. That’s all I know of off-hand.

Edit: Just to clarify, I know for certain he can in Freelancer, so I’ll assume it’s the same for the normal level.


Others include the Penthouse guard in Dubai and both Pirate and Militia soldier on Ambrose


Bikers in Berlin as well.


Yeah forgot about them. And there’s more to Berlin in this regard as I’ve remembered just now, so I might as well share a video about a certain gimmick some of you may have not known about.

The variants of club security disguise that ICA agents carry differs from the ordinary disguise in that it allows you to carry more weapons legally - including snipers. More details in the description with video illustrating all of the points, but in short:

If you grab Club Security disguise from Green or Chamberlin, you can carry all kinds of weapons legally
If you grab it from Montgomery, you can carry all kinds of weapons except sniper rifles legally
If you grab it from anyone or anywhere else, you can carry most of the weapons legally except all shotguns, ARs, sniper rifles and the Scrap Sword.


Honestly I always found that pretty weird considering you can just kill him like any other target with a headshot, and even if you’re particularly bad at aiming he’ll go down after a few bodyshots (I actually killed him that way with the Kruger once lol).

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Thank you so much for this! That explains the weird issues I sometimes, but not always had with shotguns and katanas in Freelancer.


This is all very weird because Montgomery is the leader so presumably he should be allowed to carry whatever. It’s also weird because not being able to carry ARs, boomsticks, and swords makes the generic security outfit probably the least “powerful” guard outfit in the game.


All right so the floating banana on the kitchen table has already been pointed out, but I noticed something else about this magic banana. I don’t know if this is old news to you all, but it’s new news to me.

If while choosing your kitchen table, you come to the Kronstadt/Undying table from the pizza boxes table to the left (so, left to right), the banana will be in the middle, like where it was with the pizza:

But if you come to the Kronstadt table from the right, the banana will be on the corner:


I almost doubt I’ll do this… But the other day I was in Mumbai playing a takedown Freelancer. I ended up throwing my sniper-rifled stuffed briefcase at a crow guard, and the door closed behind him. I didn’t bring a lockpick.

So thinking in my mind “Where is a crowbar?” and I immediately think of the train car by the corner of Shah’s territory. Later I realized there was one that was a little closer.

Having read somewhere about “fetch quests” I thought, why not (if I’m ever so bored) go on an item fetch quest for different missions?

Not to get whatever I come across as I go, but rather seek specific things out and collect them. Then maybe go for another type of item. Hmm… Yeah. That might take way too long. Perhaps a list of items to find would be better.


8 screwdrivers,
4 crowbars,
11 bricks,
6 coins…

etc. so on and so forth.

This would require making a list from Hitman maps or hitmaps (whichever one), then proceeding from there. :person_shrugging:


Probably not new and surprising at all, but it is only today I noticed that the Caruso bodyguard disguise allows you access in the church “backstage” area and tower. Kind of weird from a narrative point of view and maybe a leftover from Caruso’s beta-route which took him to church?


I’m starting to see things in blood puddles.

Is it me or is that a guy in a black vest, a little beard and glasses talking on the phone or some such?

Feel free to tilt your head to the left a little.
The guy’s left hand is quite easy to spot and his face is right next to it. I’ve circled the face.


Kinda looks like it, but more significantly: is that a blood puddle from Hitman, or a real one, because that changes my reaction a bit.


It’s the generic blood puddle from the game :stuck_out_tongue:


Then that is creepy, because that means someone designed that. Which leads to the next question: did they know?