Yeah, you can’t even fill the room with lethal poison fumes and kill them in there, since it’s somehow airtight and yet they don’t suffocate.
I’m pretty sure that the vacuum cleaner by the aquarium in Hokkaido and the sinks in the bathroom outside Mendoza’s security room can attract any NPC on the map (might have been patched).
Oh, now I have to try those. And I’m planing on testing ever distraction on every map just to find more weird ones.
When leaving Whittleton Creek, the conversation between Diana and Grey is missed or shorter. In Hitman 2 Grey talks about the next steps and she ends it with “you make it sound so easy”. In Hitman 3, that whole part is missing.
I don’t know why they cut it out, but it’s a pity IMO, because it was the only time the two were actually interacting as handlers
I still get that. I think it depends on either the order you complete the mission (collect all evidence first, or kill the targets first, and then sometimes there’s a delay in that final bit. At least, the last time I played that map in story mode I still got that. It could be it’s just not triggering before you exit, either because of the order, or it’s in that delay and you’re exiting before it’s out of it.
I see! Hm… well I did mission stories and than the clues. Maybe I need to do it the other way around? I will try that.
Weird though, that it depends on the order you do it
Mind you, the key words were “it could be” and “I think.” I may be wrong on this. However, I usually gather the clues needed first, and then kill the targets, first Cassidy and then Janus. A short time after Grey does his “death is too good for Janus” speech, he’ll start in about what’s next and then Diana says her line, if I’m remembering it correctly (I’m 90% confident that this is right).
Okay, thank you @Heisenberg I give it a try!
The electrocution effect even happens on bodies stored in closets / baskets if they are close enough to a puddle used to electrocute another npc.
The thing with that bit of dialogue is its obvious that the full dialogue wasnt meant to always play, which in Hitman 2 it did do. So they cut down some of the redundant dialogue but they kinda cut the wrong dialogue. If in Hitman 2 they played the clue dialogue → then the all targets dialogue → then the all objectives dialogue, in Hitman 3 they play the all targets dialogue → then the clue dialogue. Whereas they should skip either or and just play the all objectives dialogue
I just found out you still can’t view the ending cutscene of the Bank or the Maldives without completing the mission. For some reason I thought they fixed this, but campaign tab still doesn’t have them.
Hmm, we should raise a bigger awareness of how unacceptable this is with IOI. For that matter, are we able to view the opening Cinematic of Ambrose Island?
Another thing from Santa Fortuna (which I just completed in full last night. Boo-yah!); Rico Delgado’s statue is no longer covered by a tarp, at least at certain points, anyway.
Yeah it’s actually never been fixed, unfortunately. Not being able to view those cutscenes in that menu has been an issue ever since NY and Haven released in H2, they weren’t present in that game and that carries over to H3, it’s a weird missing thing that has never been adressed all this time, for whatever reason…
Opening cinematic? You mean the Briefing video for the mission? That one is only accessible from choosing the level in the Destinations tab. And briefing videos don’t show up in the campaign menu anyway, only the major story cutscenes do. Also I’m pretty sure Ambrose is not even in the campaign tab anyway so you can’t even view it from there.
I agree that we should raise awareness so that the Bank/Haven cutscenes get added, though. It’s a minor thing but it’s still been way too long and it needs fixing…
yeah that happens in Berlin by the coat hanger bit & the bin outside
I like that you only have to kill the first target and then you just leave. Messing up the coin thing once because of that nonsense traumatized me.
I’m only gonna bring it up because it reminds me of a baseball bat in the upper storage room of the tower where that creepy lady is preparing Janus’ body that I could not pick up to save my life and it was just in its starting position…
Is that one of those hacks/glitches/exploits that speedrunners use?
They must have changed that then because I’ve definitely been spotted doing that.
Anyway, I think I’ve recently discovered that the snail emetic only counts for no bodies found if it either affects less than two people or the group it affects are not seen by an unaffected NPC while falling down. I’ll have to look into more to be more sure what I’m seeing.
Here’s something embarrassing: In November roadmap, I just now noticed that Nitroglycerin vial has, in fact, in background skeletal formula for nitroglycerin.
I always liked that area, never understood why none of the numerous ETs utilized that place.
I had the thought… It works like the opposite of locking on with a melee item, entering the inventory and selecting a coin or ducker and holding the aim and throwing keys/buttons after exiting the inventory. It lets you throw the non-lock-on’able item lethally.
So, if you’re having issues with an item locking onto an NPC (like an emetic grenade), try aiming with something that won’t lock on – like a coin, then essentially do the same actions as the above step. Now you should be able to throw the item that would normally lock on like you would a coin.
I’ve tried it out and it seems to work.
Edit: Except for larger things like fire extinguishers and propane tanks. Because you’ll drop them the moment you select a coin.