Good call on Hague convention. I’ll always mess those two up.
Almost all our police use hollow points in an effort to stop the person you shoot and not anyone who might be standing behind them.
Good call on Hague convention. I’ll always mess those two up.
Almost all our police use hollow points in an effort to stop the person you shoot and not anyone who might be standing behind them.
Yeah, my brain just soaks up information and holds it. I think the Geneva Convention upholds the Hague Convention in one of the articles but I am not 100 percent sure.
Most police forces and civilians prefer them and for that reason. Their lack of penetration, I guess an assassin like 47 would most likely feel the same way about it.
I’m pretty sure it’s canon that 47 only uses his Silverballers as a last resort, when things have gone sideways, or when he does actually use them, it’s up close, where the type of bullet used is less important for efficiency as a projectile and more to just be fatal with minimal collateral damage. Ort-Meyer, Sergei, The Meat King and his lawyer, the inspector who shot 47, Maynard John, Parchezzi, Diana, Blake Dexter, Travis, and Jordan Cross are, I think, the only characters 47 has canonically shot with the Silverballers. Others were shot with different firearms, in situations where they were used at all. With the exception of the inspector, I don’t think the historical efficacy of hollow points fired from a baller are relevant to those situations. In any event, I’m pretty sure we can hand-wave it by saying 47 modified and customized his pistols for maximum efficiency.
100%. Its a game. It’s not technically accurate. 47 can make shots at 100 yards with his pistol but aiming exactly where he wants the shot to land and not lobbing them in by shooting way high. They have guns that are so quiet no one hears them. It’s what makes it fun.
This is not the case in the WoA, I’m delighted to say. You shoot one NPC in the back of the head while they’re standing 3 feet away from another, the survivor will hear the shot, suppressor or no suppressor. While IRL the distance for detection would be much greater, that’s still a welcome attention to detail. The only thing you can 100% get away with quietly no matter how close you are is using the fiber wire; you have to actually be seen to blow it, and I think that’s actually even less realistic than an absolutely detection-free suppressor. But, still helpful.
I’m sure he his, but I mean come on, his accuracy in BM is pretty shitty (at least in 3rd person)
Speaking of practical. Unbelievable, but a pair of full-sized 1911s designed for competitive shooting with suppressors attached is not the best option for subtle conceal carry. Especially when you might deal with people that are specifically trained to spot a large gun sticking out of someone’s jacket, or when you have to improvise all the time with disguises that would make carrying such a piece even less subtle.
Why stop there when we can go even smaller!
We call it… The Noisy Cricket
Seecamp makes great little pocket pistols! I actually want one of those but haven’t decided on .32 which is becoming harder and harder to find ammo for or the .380 which is really pushing the platform and is flat out miserable to shoot due to the recoil. Also I gotta save my pennies before I get myself any gifts .
That little thing wouldn’t be good for 47 though. It’s too small* and wouldn’t be easy to manipulate and it’s still gonna be loud.
You can use disposable scramblers on the Bank vault locks.
47’s suit from the Mendoza clothing rack has gloves included, but in the subsequent cutscene, the gloves are gone.
(You can take screenshots during cutscenes by pressing F1+Alt on computer. For regular gameplay screenshot, I activate Ansel through F2+Alt and then press F1+Alt, occasionally angling the photo.)
This oversight is sure to upset @Bourbon.
If only they had noticed this then during the dance Diana would have had to touch 47s face with her gloved hand in order to get the poison onto his skin.
Didn’t she poison him at the start of the mission? Hench the weird grey flash in the opening cutscene.
Oh good call! I just went back and rewatched it. Never noticed the flash to black and white before. Old eyes. Yes I’m sure you’re correct, even though you can play the mission without talking to her if you start undercover or simply walk past the platform she’s standing on.
Yep, but there is always a canon event in the missions and talking to Diana at the start is one of them
They could have avoided this by having the only exit be the dance and her touching his face… just saying