Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

I mean, if we’re talking those which got messed up with updates, then aside from the flamingo slippers on the IT guy suit, the most prominent one would be the Tropical Suit, which got turned into a golden disco ball at one point (Cassidy’s suit got affected the same way) but has since been fixed.

In general, disguises from H1/2 featuring aprons have been consistently broken when looked at from behind. Most of them are either missing or have a “hole” in them. At one point, they got messed up from the front too (notably the Mumbai metal worker), which got fixed, but the backside has been broken consistently. I’m not sure if they were always broken or oscilating between broken and not, but as of now, they have been broken for quite a long time. Edit: Having checked the bug report thread, I reported aprons being broken as early as October 2021, so… (as an example of how it looks like, last time I posted there on this was this July: HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread - #4496 by Rimland)

Similarly, H1/2 disguises with certain types of glasses are also messed up, as they (the glasses) have not been adjusted to 47’s H3 head. Examples include the Sapienza delivery guy, the Colorado milita, the Vampire Magician, and most prominently the Kronstadt engineer from Miami.

Speaking of Sapienza, the tank-top bodyguard disguise has had a buckload of clipping issues on both 47 and the NPCs since H3 released, notably on the back.

In Ambrose Island, since its release, the engineer disguise gives 47 a completely different (wrong) body type (poor man looses pretty much all his muscle mass), and the militia disguise cap has 47’s ear clip through.

The DGS suit has had a notable clipping issue on the belt/pants when crouching, the Snow Festival suit has a notable neck clipping issue, the Tactical Turtleneck also has a minor one when crouching, and the Sapienza suit when sitting down/standing up from a bench (the last two are fairly “minor”, but that doesn’t change the fact that they were not there in H1/2).

And I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting or missing. And that’s not even mentioning certain NPCs, like that fellow in Whittleton Creek who still insists on showing off his cranium through his hat… So yeah, the ties aren’t the only thing.