Modded Colorado for players really struggling with the timing on a Falling Object kill on Sean Rose:
That’s the closest emoji that resembles an aiming reticle.
47 cuts the Gordian Knot on this assignment.
Me on the exfiltration leg of my favourite roleplaying run, strolling past the Mime performing on the beach square in Sapienza, having already infiltrated the Mansion and the Bio Lab:
Absolutely no one:
Not a single living soul:
Diana: “Entering the Ether lab will require a keycard and a uniform. Luckily, it seems both are at hand…”
I always knew that bastard was up to no good.
Lol, I wish they’d finally fix that trigger. It’s funny, but kinda annoying at the same time.
I don’t like joking about tragic events like this one and I hate AI hijacking voices of real people. But this is funny.
Found this in Linkedin (a professional social media site). The owner must be a hardcore 47’s fan.
And Statham’s as well apparently
5 feet manlet bros…
It is so over.