lol all good. tbh i had to look back and make sure i didn’t create a spelling error
This song made it to my favourite playlist after going through the credit section background song.
Good work by the artists.
The first song my daughter heard, played within minutes of her being born. Played often for her while she was inside her mother’s belly.
I use it calm her, when I tuck her in for the night, all while I sing a long. I really love this song and hope she will appreciate it as much as me.
entertaining band you have there
Chrome has a new album. A few songs already released as singles, but this is my fav from the ones that are all brand new.
I heard one song I listened to a number of years back, and thought of another song…
3 days of on and off searching for “me me me” (and various combinations that describe the video) and coming up with everything but the song I was looking for. Then I tried to search by date… That eventually got it. I’ll have to remember “Open your eyes up” or some other memory trick if I forget but kinda remember again in another ~10’ish years.
I might as well include this one too. Why I listened to them together?
The 80’s song that could have been in MGSV but wasn’t because it came out 6 years after the game’s release.