As I have a certain intrest in Character Models, I took some Shots of the New Suspect Models.
Spoiler Warning for Freelancer Suspect Models
That’s head_hispanic_30s_01 with a Texture Override. The Suspects may be random, so he certainly fits Berlin.
Head_Caucasian_20s_01, also fits the scene quite well funnily enough. She also was the Leader so she ended up drowned.
I must admit that I really don’t recognize this Face. Really neat looking Model in General.
Head_Caucasian_20s_01 or Jimmy. The Fourth Model in a Row that fits the Scene, shame there were two Women running around in Formal Dress and Suit aswell.
Head_Indian_20s_01 or Merle, fantasic Model, though also my first Campaign Fail thanks to her Watchdog of some Old Man. Still shot her in the Head, but died right after that and she wasn’t even the Leader.
Another Face I don’t regocnize and really cool looking too.
Head_Caucasian_20s_02 or Billy with a Texture Override, doesn’t quite fit Mendoza, but oh well.
Okay, IO, wheres the Bug in my Room? I was trying to implement this Hair from Berlin in Mendoza Reimagined, but couldn’t get it to work and now she appears.
Head_Hispanic_20s_01 or Hina, you forgot a Texture again IO.
Head_Asian_20s_01 or Juno. Nice one.
Think He likes Red.
Thinking Head_Caucasian_40s_03, but I’m not 100 certain.
Head_Asian_40s_02 or Jiafeng, wonder if her Head is in chunk0 now, wouldn’t complain all right.
I’m thinking Head_Base. This Leader sleeps with Mijo now.
Head_Asian_20s_02. Nice Model.
Guy sure looks alot like Rico Delgado. Seems like head_hispanic_30s_01 again.
Now that’s a Merchant I trust.