St. Petersburg Stakeout
Sieker 1
Showstopper, the
Svd, Dragunov (not sure this count) (thanks @Rimland)
Sean Bean (?)
Sidjan twins
Sergei Zavorotko
Sierra Knox
Sophia Washington
Swing King
Skip Muldoon
Sheik Mohammad Bin Faisal Al-Kahlifa
Shit, there’s a lot of options for this one!
Ha! I knew I wanted to nominate something here
SVD, not Svt. I´ll see myself out
And a lot will be left out. There´s already some 30 suggestions…
Satu Mare
Seneca Crane
Wait, fuck, wrong franchise!
(Jk )
Holy fuck! I’ve really screw up this one! Thanks for correcting!
I’d also add:
Salavas, Athena
Silvio Caruso
Stockton, Lyla
Sean Rose
Stuyvesant, Marcus
Spas 12
That’s already 40 suggestions, keep in mind the poll can only hold 20. I might have to make 2 polls, and then a finale poll after that.
I’m so down with that!
Technically only a forum thing, but it’s tangentially connected.
41 suggestions, wow. I’ve split it into two polls, please vote in both polls. Winner of each poll will then face off against each other. Eliminated one suggestion to get down to 40, Loner contributed the most suggested so got rid off his “Spas 12”.
- Saints
- Salavas, Athena
- Sanchez
- Sanguine
- Sapienza
- SASO (Silent Assassin Suit Only)
- Satu Mare
- Say Hello to my Little Friend
- Scarecrow
- Scoop
- Sean Bean
- Sean Rose
- Semtex Remote Explosive
- Seneca Crane
- Sergei Zavorotko
- Shadows in the Water
- Shamal Hotel
- Sheik Mohammad Bin Faisal Al-Kahlifa
- Shogun Showdown
- Shotgun Shogun Showdown
- The Showstopper
- Sidjan Twins
- Sierra Knox
- Silent Assassin
- Silverballer
- Silvio Caruso
- Situs Inversus
- Skip Muldoon
- Skurky
- Sniper Assassin
- Sophia Washington
- St. Petersburg Stakeout
- Stealth
- Stockton, Lyla
- Stuyvesant, Marcus
- Sunset Rubber Duck
- Suppressor
- SVD Dragunov
- Swing King
Uh, you should have asked me on that on, @Silvereyes. Seneca Crane was a joke. That’s a character from the Hunger Games, I just threw it in because so many suggestions were already coming. Thought I made that clear. May I suggest reworking that poll, tossing that out, and putting the Spas 13 back in.
OK, I didn’t realise. Compromise: anyone who votes for Seneca Crane will be considered a vote for the Spas 12. No offence but I’m not going to the effort of recreating the polls again, and I think with 40 options on the table, I think it’s safe to say the Spas 12 isn’t likely to be the winner anyway.
The final round for the letter S:
- SASO (Silent Assassin Suit Only)
- Silent Assassin
Came here just in time to nominate SONKO!
T is for…Tasteless, Traceless.
Terminal Hospitality
Tradition of the Trade
Tubway Torpedo
Torres Piombo
Tobias Rieper