The Funny Pictures/ Video Thread


Wow I never realized Chicagoan hot dog is that… smoking hot. :hotdog:

I will see myself out.




Imagine having this bad boy here and demanding a 4090RTX for 99$

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I literally have that thing sitting in my house. I don’t think it works anymore, but it’s there. Gathering dust.


See? That is what they mean by “Never obsolete”! It has accepted new purpose as a dust catcher.


Motivational Poster™ :sunglasses:

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Far be it for me to nitpick an internet meme but shouldn’t that person have used Sisyphus instead?


The above image works if you consider yourself the vulture.


I mean it could also be about the Sisyphean boulder as well.

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“One must imagine the vulture happy.”
It’s a free meal every day!

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Steven Seagal made a reggaeton song in 2004. That is all


Actually that isn’t all. According to him he was in an all-Black blues band growing up.

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Isn’t it about… They get their guts or liver eaten by a bird of prey, they heal, and get to reexperience the pain and agony of being eaten alive?

The joke being about how life is hard and “oh goody, I get to do this :poop: all over again tomorrow.” :thinking:

Yeah. The Sisyphus thing could work, but it wouldn’t necessarily be better. They’re both unpleasant experiences. Well, getting eaten alive sounds far worse. <added after he replied below. :flushed:

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Well yeah that is how the myth goes and the joke is correct. I am just saying we already have a myth about a guy who has to constantly redo a tedious task.

I don’t think the focus is on the strenuous task so much as the fresh start part. Technically, Sisyphus never stops, while Prometheus’s punishment starts afresh wash day. Besides, didn’t his punishment come first?

Oh man strenuous wasn’t the right word, I meant tedious. I should have woken up a bit more before writing that.

I mean in some versions Prometheus is freed from his punishment eventually and with Zeus permission at that. Sisyphus doesn’t even get that a lot of the time even in more famous modern interpretations of his myth.

But this is just well actually stuff and it is kind of beyond the scope of my pithy rebuttal to your original meme.