Brilliant pictures! Love how you pose and dress and really great camera work as well!
Love to see some appreciation for Quantum of Solace, and that opening chase is awesome.
That first and last photo are world class bro. Great work on your GFs part and your styling skills. Keep em coming!!
You think I have a chance?
Thank you! Those will come in time and maybe very very soon. With the Silverballer we already planned, me and my friend, for a very dedicated photo session.
The wind part was mostly luck. We were about to leave then it came thru our heads to go see a bit further how it looks and then I noticed the tall grass and I had this vision and well here are the results.
I always try to achieve that serious, depressed and focus look. Most of the unseen photos are me laughing because I can’t maintain much a serious face.
The suit used is nothing special. I recently took it to a tailor to adjust it on my body.
Thank you so much. @MrOchoa pointed out that picture too. I first send him some photos during a photo and another.
I was 16 when they were filming that scene here. They closed the main and only road during the day to film and people around here weren’t really happy because they had to get up very early to go to work and came back very late home.
Kids instead had to take a ship to reach schools and if I am not mistaken it was all payed by the province.
When the movie came everyone had to comment on how impossible it is to drive that fast in that traffic. My father was speaking this to his coworker “Fuad! We do this road every damn day and me a truck driver does this road at least 15 times a day back and forth. No matter how fast your car is you CAN NOT! pass all those cars togheter without crashing”
I might do a video of me driving there one day. I will see. The view is spectacular and it is literally one minute from my house.
Oh I will. Thank you so much
Travelling to my in laws place - overnight train journey.
Feels like Hitman 3 final mission (Carpathain Mountains).
Meanwhile our 5 months girl is enjoying her first journey, she is giggling watching the moving view
Walking home from work today and I saw these close by… Geese! Just… standing there. For some reason.
Just thinking who to bully next.
That’s terrifyingly hilarious.
The ominous way it slowly opens the “hatch” to “lay” an egg is the cherry on top of it all
I seen these baby Geese the other day, i tried to get closer, but i scared them into the water and felt bad because they were just chilling

The town I work in has a river running through it that some swan and geese live in, I’ll need to see if I can get a photo of them at some point.
The eh? The red plaid. This is classic comedy
Edit: they don’t use a U in colour, that’s a mistake
I too remember being 5 months enjoying a Pepsi Zero Sugar in the funny bald man murder moving train.
We get Swans and such all over where i live (Hot Fuzz is a realistic Somerset afterall!) horrible stuff
I went hiking today with my best friend.
This is the place we went Punta Larici
This is a photo she did me
And these are the ones I made her