The Forum Gallery V4

Last night I went to see Spiderman No Way home. Amazing movie, I loved it and can’t wait to see it again at home in 4k.
I went with my best friend and there was the intention to go fully dressed as Spiderman for laughs but feeling a bit ashamed and thinking that maybe it was a little bit too excessive I just went in normal clothes but with the mask on and I really regret I didn’t do it because I found two guys fully dressed there :joy:
I went straight to them replicating that famous meme of the Spidermen meeting for the first time pointing the fingers on each other.

But, like me, the other guy had problems to see under the mask so his friend had to tell him there was another Spidey and pointed him in my direction.
We immediately became friends and hugged each other.
I was really worried tonight that people might think about me to be just a clown but instead everyone who saw me, who saw us, had a great time and good laugh. Some people even asked me for photos and the cinema gave me and my friend free pop corn and Cola because I was dressed as Spiderman :heart_eyes:
I had some hard time seeing thru the glasses because they get cloudy so quickly. I tried to poke some tiny holes where my nose was to make it better but it didn’t helped much. So my friend had to hold me most of the time and tell me where to go because I couldn’t see much.
Of course I took the mask off during the movie. I asked the guy next to me if he could keep my identity secret.
He told me not to worry. He took the joke very well.

If there is one thing I learned today is to never be ashamed to do something you like that puts a smile on people’s faces.
I will sure do something like this again but this time fully dressed without holding back.

About the movie, I don’t want to spoil anything but I can tell you it really is one of the best Spiderman movie till date. There were a lot of good moments where everyone in the cinema got super excited, was shouting and applauded. Me included.


I hope you mean among fims post-Maguire era, because for me those movies starring him are still the best.
And it’s a huge shame he’s left the franchise


For me personally i ranks below the first 2 maguire films but its only slightly above 3 for me.


coughinto the spider-versecough


Face reveal :mask:


Killer Lego set in the background.


There’s so many Lego sets here, I’m working as a Christmas temp in a warehouse (Argos for anyone in the UK)

These last few weeks we’ve been absolutely loaded with Lego/toys etc, some of the Lego here is very very cool, but it’s gotten incredibly expensive :sweat:

One of my favourites


Feel free to ask for my postal code if you ever managed to steal unload one.


that set looks rad but its always too expensive in my opinion, 70 fucken euros for a bust is quite simply ludicrous.


Lego was always expensive. Pretty sure I made my parents poor by getting quite a few sets.

However, I still have everything and will give it to the godchildren of mine. I wonder if they pick it up and even give it on to their kids when they are adults.


I’m pretty sure I never had original Legos due to the pricing until I was 14ish. Even the fake, Chinese brands were exclusive-to-birthday due to the insane price of theirs.

Still, I once found an online store selling “parts”, and due to my interest in the technic series (which were even more expensive) it was helpful to be able to buy them part by part.


Among those.
Well every generation gets its Spiderman. I still don’t like this new one because it feels too much like Stark junior rather than Peter Parker.




yeah, i hate him having a military-industrial sugar daddy that blackmailed him into military service, but i still enjoyed this last one.


This is golden :joy::joy::joy:


What if Sider-Man was Iron Spider all the time? What if we gave him an uglier costume than the usual Iron Spider costume? The one so bad The Thing paid him to switch out of it one time.

Does Stark also kick off a sequence of events that leads to Aunt May’s death in the MCU? Like in the OG comic Iron Spider period?

Umm… maybe move discussion of Spider-Man to one of our films threads? :sweat_smile:
I feel like we’re nearing spoiler-discussion, and I did not expect to see that here.


Wait, did I spoil the movie?

I don’t know, given that I haven’t seen it yet.

But I do know that the movie’s been described as “pretty dark”, so, to me, that potentially means a character death. I doubt they’d touch Aunt May, but… ya never know with these things.

I mean I have read the comic where both Peter’s dad touches Aunt May.

You think I am joking but I am not. Marvel wanted to reboot their romance comics and thought showing us how Peter’s parents met and how one of them banged Aunt May was going to be the sure fire way to do it.

I realise that was a non-sequitur that you probably didn’t want to read but I wrote it anyway. What a horrible day to have eyes, eh?

As a comic fan you stop seeing character death as serious and you start going “Oh it is nice he is getting some time off”. Comic death is like a timeshare with life force as the form of payment.

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